[GTK] plugins/get-url-with-blank-target.html is flaky
Summary [GTK] plugins/get-url-with-blank-target.html is flaky
Philippe Normand
Reported 2012-04-12 11:48:54 PDT
Recently unskipped but started failing on and off.
Philippe Normand
Comment 1 2012-04-12 11:51:36 PDT
Diff: --- /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/layout-test-results/plugins/get-url-with-blank-target-expected.txt +++ /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/layout-test-results/plugins/get-url-with-blank-target-actual.txt @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ This tests that we won't crash when a plugin tries to open an URL in a new window when the application does not create the window. If this test is successful, the word SUCCESS should be seen below. -SUCCESS +FAILED - Expected error code 1 but got error code 0
Martin Robinson
Comment 2 2015-05-08 16:23:58 PDT
We need support for testRunner.addDisallowedURL to pass this test. Going to close this and remove the GTK+ specific expectation until the WebKit2 support is in place.
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