Remove layer texture protection. Tweak ContentsTextureManager and GPU memoryManager to achieve same result.
Summary Remove layer texture protection. Tweak ContentsTextureManager and GPU memoryM...
Nat Duca
Reported 2012-03-27 19:29:22 PDT
We have calls in strange places that protect certain layer textures, then unprotect them. This is all just a way to keep some textures around when we go into the background. Now that we have GpuMemoryManger, we can and should do better. 1. we make gpumemorymanager give out small nonzero allocations to background but "likely to be used again" tabs. 2. we make contents texture manager drop textures such that the root layer is the last dropped. LRU may be sufficient, but we may need to tweak it. 3. we remove all this protect/unprotect crap 4. profit
Nat Duca
Comment 1 2012-03-28 11:16:21 PDT
Just to clarify, this is low priority --- when we get out of "ship M19 mode" and back into "lets have an awesome memory manager" territory.
Nat Duca
Comment 2 2012-06-05 17:53:14 PDT
TMV2 obsoletes these notes.
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