[Shadow DOM] Needs a set of tests for covering cross-continuation shadows
Summary [Shadow DOM] Needs a set of tests for covering cross-continuation shadows
Hajime Morrita
Reported 2012-03-25 23:36:27 PDT
These cases should be covered by a layout test ---- <span class="with-shadow"> #ShadowRoot Text <div> Text Light block renderer splitting shadow inline renderer via <content>: <div class="with-shadow"> #ShadowRoot <span> Text <content> Text <div> Light block renderer splitting light inline renderer via <content>: <span class="with-shadow"> #ShadowRoot Text <content> Text <div> Older shadow block renderer splitting younger shadow inline renderer via <shadow>: #ShadowRoot <span> Text <shadow> #ShadowRoot <div> Text Older shadow block renderer splitting younger shadow inline renderer via <shadow>, across multiple levels: #ShadowRoot <span> Text <shadow> #ShadowRoot Text <shadow> #ShadowRoot <div> Text Text Light block renderer splitting light inline renderer via both <content> and <shadow>, across multiple levels: <span class="with-shadow"> #ShadowRoot Text <shadow> #ShadowRoot Text <content> Text Text <div> Nested shadows, splitting multiple inline renderers (one example): <span class="Leeloo"> #ShadowRoot Text <span class="Dallas"> #ShadowRoot Text <div class="Multisplit"> Text Text
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 1 2022-08-09 12:20:56 PDT
WPT has coverage about Shadow DOM: I am going to mark this as "RESOLVED WONTFIX" since Webkit import WPT test cases and also contribute on them to make them single true source.
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