Web Inspector: add support for a whitelist / suppression list for heap snapshots
Summary Web Inspector: add support for a whitelist / suppression list for heap snapshots
Reported 2012-03-21 04:01:31 PDT
When manually inspecting a heap snapshot, I'd like to have a way of hiding objects retained by a certain object. Ideally, I'd like to be able to load this information from a file, so I could maintain such a list across several debugging sessions The use case is as follows: assume your web app has some pointer to the last performed action to implement undo, e.g. Now you look at a heap snapshot and figure out after a bit of clicking that a certain object is not a leak, because one of its retaining paths goes through lastAction_. As this is not a leak, you don't want to manually identify all other objects that are retained by this path, but concentrate on stuff retained by different paths. At this point, I'd like to filter out all objects with retaining paths through
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