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A keyboard-only user cannot scroll by line when focus is in a text field
A keyboard-only user cannot scroll by line when focus is in a text field
Boris Zbarsky
2012-02-24 21:35:45 PST
attachment 128850
Testcase Please see the attached testcase. A keyboard-only user can read the text in the second frame, but not in the first one.
(302 bytes, text/html)
2012-02-24 21:35 PST
Boris Zbarsky
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Antaryami Pandia (apandia)
Comment 1
2012-02-26 23:32:14 PST
First impression :- It seems that webkit is not focusing on iframe if it contains a focusable element (text box in this case). Will look into more details.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 2
2012-02-27 11:23:33 PST
Page up and page down do work for me in Safari 5.1.3 on Mac, but plain up and down arrows don't.On a notebook keyboard, both Fn-arrows and Ctrl-arrows translate to page up and page down. This seems largely intentional, because plain down arrow opens suggestion popup. Behavior is the same in subframes as it is in main frame.
Boris Zbarsky
Comment 3
2012-02-27 11:27:07 PST
> This seems largely intentional, because plain down arrow opens suggestion > popup.
That's true if you take as a premise that the behavior mentioned in
comment 1
(focusing the input, not the document itself) is correct.... That seems like a nontrivial assumption.
Antaryami Pandia (apandia)
Comment 4
2012-02-27 22:31:30 PST
(In reply to
comment #2
> This seems largely intentional, because plain down arrow opens suggestion popup.
So should we keep the current behavior as is?
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