Make it possible to create JavaScriptAudioNode-based Web Audio nodes
Summary Make it possible to create JavaScriptAudioNode-based Web Audio nodes
Boris Smus
Reported 2012-02-07 14:45:06 PST
I'm trying to create a custom node based on the JavaScriptAudioNode by extending its prototype with a custom function, and then plugging it into the audio graph. Unfortunately, doing this causes a "SyntaxError: Invalid destination node" error, and the audio graph rejects the custom node. Here's what I'm doing: 1. I extend the context with a createCustomNode call, as follows: // Augment the context with a createMeterNode call that returns an augmented // JavaScriptAudioNode. function registerCustomWebAudioNode(context, constructorName, classObject) { // Get the webkitAudioContext and extend its prototype. webkitAudioContext.prototype[constructorName] = function() { var customNode = new classObject(this); customNode.prototype = context.createJavaScriptNode(2048, 1, 1); return customNode; } } function MeterNode(context) { console.log('init'); } MeterNode.prototype.onClip = function(callback) { // ... }; 2. Then, I'm using the custom node as follows: // Assuming context, source are initialized earlier. meter = context.createMeterNode(); // Connect source to meter node to destination. source.connect(meter); meter.connect(context.destination); 3. I get an error: SyntaxError: Invalid destination node This sounds like something at the JavaScript - C++ bindings layer.
Comment 1 2012-04-05 01:03:09 PDT
Interesting, just curious on your implementation. Do you have full source code on how you call registerCustomWebAudioNode and use MeterNode etc.?
Chris Rogers
Comment 2 2013-05-10 17:48:21 PDT
It appears that extending the prototype like this is very hard or impossible to do given the way the JS bindings system works
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