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Give a name to attributes that might be invalid and needing updates
Give a name to attributes that might be invalid and needing updates
Caio Marcelo de Oliveira Filho
2012-02-06 12:06:38 PST
While working on making NamedNodeMap a simple wrapper to Element, I noticed that some functions want to access attribute storage without updating invalid attributes (Style / SVG animations attributes can be marked as invalid). For example, we have hasAttributes() and hasAttributesWithoutUpdate(). The last one means no update of eventually invalid attributes will take place. "WithoutUpdate" is too vague. Ryosuke Niwa proposed in IRC we could try to name those "special" attributes: 16:41 < cmarcelo> rniwa: hasAttributesWithoutUpdatingInvalidOnes()? I wouldn't want to mention the list explicitly, what if it changes. 16:42 < rniwa> cmarcelo: that's a good point 16:42 < rniwa> cmarcelo: maybe we need to give a name to the group of attributes that need to be dynamically updated 16:42 < rniwa> cmarcelo: maybe something like "RendererDependentAttribute"? 16:42 < rniwa> cmarcelo: or LayoutDependentAttributes? 16:42 < rniwa> cmarcelo: or DynamicAttribute? 16:43 < rniwa> cmarcelo: I like the last one least since every attribute is "dynamic" to some extent 16:43 < rniwa> cmarcelo: alas I don't like the fact seemingly generic word "update" is associated with a particular type of update here. 16:44 < cmarcelo> rniwa: I understand. Having a clear name for them would help a lot. 16:44 < rniwa> cmarcelo: yeah but maybe it's fine to keep "WithoutUpdate" until we agree on some good name for it
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Caio Marcelo de Oliveira Filho
Comment 1
2012-02-06 12:07:48 PST
Darin, do you have suggestions about this?
Lucas Forschler
Comment 2
2019-02-06 09:02:42 PST
Mass moving XML DOM bugs to the "DOM" Component.
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