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Drag & drop doesn't cause editable overflow areas to autoscroll
Drag & drop doesn't cause editable overflow areas to autoscroll
Adele Peterson
2006-03-15 00:01:11 PST
Drag & drop doesn't cause editable overflow areas to autoscroll.
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Adele Peterson
Comment 1
2006-03-29 17:51:36 PST
Bumping to P1 since this causes a text field regression (since new text fields use overflow:hidden)
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 2
2006-04-02 23:25:37 PDT
These are all text field regressions so they should all be P1.
Darin Adler
Comment 3
2006-04-04 09:42:57 PDT
Text fields never did any auto-scrolling when dragging text into them, so I don't think this has any bad effect on the native text fields. In fact, when we do implement this we may need a way to make sure this is turned off for text fields.
Darin Adler
Comment 4
2006-04-04 09:43:26 PDT
We'll probably need this for native <textarea> elements, though.
Antonio Gomes
Comment 5
2013-08-30 11:17:09 PDT
(In reply to
comment #4
> We'll probably need this for native <textarea> elements, though.
Adele/Darin. looks like this is fixed(?). At least autoscroll tests pass and bugs were fixed lately. Please let me know if it is actionable still.
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