Allow accessor get/set property to be set to undefined
Summary Allow accessor get/set property to be set to undefined
Gavin Barraclough
Reported 2012-01-11 22:59:41 PST
AccessorDescriptor properties may have their get & set properties defined to reference a function (Callable object) or, or be set to undefined. Valid PropertyDescriptors created by toPropertyDescriptor (defined from JS code via Object.defineProperty, etc) have get and set properties that are in one of three states (1) nonexistent (c++ null JSValue), (2) JS undefined, or (3) a function (or any Callable).
Fix (27.10 KB, patch)
2012-01-12 00:26 PST, Gavin Barraclough
oliver: review+
Gavin Barraclough
Comment 1 2012-01-12 00:26:29 PST
Gavin Barraclough
Comment 2 2012-01-12 10:38:42 PST
Fixed in r104836
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