Web Inspector: add support for loadend event
Summary Web Inspector: add support for loadend event
Hans Muller
Reported 2012-01-03 11:52:29 PST
Support for the loadend event is needed. For example, see This bug report is per
Hans Muller
Comment 1 2012-01-05 14:46:29 PST
It looks like the scope of the new bug could be expanded to include support for loadstart, progress, abort, error events dispatched for both XMLHttpRequest and XMLHttpRequestUpload. And I would think that the support would be similar to the code included for the load event in XMLHttpRequest::callReadyStateChangeListener(). A little factoring would be required to avoid ballooning the implementation. Does this sound reasonable?
Brian Burg
Comment 2 2014-12-12 14:36:06 PST
Closing as invalid, as this bug pertains to the old inspector UI and/or its tests. Please file a new bug ( if the bug/feature/issue is still relevant to WebKit trunk.
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