Flash doesn't appear in QWebView if the webview is part of a layout
Summary Flash doesn't appear in QWebView if the webview is part of a layout
Viktor Benei
Reported 2011-12-16 04:55:12 PST
We want to present some youtube videos in QWebView. If the webview is part of a complex layout then the flash video does not appear - to be exact it appears but the whole content is black. But it's there - if I click on the black content it starts to play the video, at least the sound of the video. The video does not appear, it remains black. If I double-click the black area it switches to fullscreen, and it renders the video correctly in fullscreen mode, but not even after I switch back from fullscreen. Strange enough that if I present a webview in a new window (with a simple layout contains only the webview) it appears and works correctly with the same youtube URL and same HTML code! Tested on Windows 7, XP, with Qt 4.7.4, 4.8 RC and 4.8.
Viktor Benei
Comment 1 2011-12-27 05:42:30 PST
I found what cause this: It has nothing to do with the 'complex layout' nor with style-sheets. This bug occurs if the window is Qt::FramelessWindowHint flag is set for the window and also the this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, true); attribute. If both set this bug happens. If only one it does not.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 2 2022-07-29 10:47:45 PDT
The Qt port has been removed from WebKit, resolving.
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