MutationEvent and size bug
Summary MutationEvent and size bug
Reported 2011-12-07 03:18:35 PST
There is no possibillity calculate block's (div) new size after DOM modification (receiving MutationEvent like "DOMSubtreeModified"). It works in Gecko-browsers but no works in WebKit.
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 1 2022-08-16 16:12:54 PDT
DOM Mutation Events were replaced by MutationObserver API, is this something we are looking to fix? Thanks!
Ryosuke Niwa
Comment 2 2022-08-16 22:10:08 PDT
It's unclear what this bug means. Maybe meant that we can't calculate the new offsetWidth / offsetHeight / getBoundingClientRect inside mutation events? Closing as Invalid since the description is unclear to what this bug entails.
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