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Not able to navigate the Resource tab options properly with arrow keys after adding the sticky-notes.
Not able to navigate the Resource tab options properly with arrow keys after ...
Rosen Dash
2011-11-10 04:27:43 PST
This bug is reported in chromium at
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Open the Browser 2.Open the mentioned URL. 3.Now add one or two Notes by clicking on the New Note Button provided. 4.Now Open the Developer Tools,and Click on the Resources Tab. 5.Now in the left side pane, expand the Databases -> Note Test -> WebKitStickyNotes. 6.Now with the arrow keys try navigate all the expanded items up and down. 7.It is not allowing to navigate to WebKitStickyNotes. What is the expected result? Navigation should work after expanding all the items. What happens instead? It is not able to navigate to all the items up and down.
Fixing the Navigation through DatabaseTableTreeElement by up/down arrow key press
(1.24 KB, patch)
2011-11-11 05:18 PST
Rosen Dash
: review-
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Focus moves to Query Prompt on tab key press
(4.67 KB, patch)
2011-11-15 04:46 PST
Rosen Dash
no flags
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(3.61 KB, patch)
2011-12-15 10:32 PST
Vsevolod Vlasov
: review+
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Rosen Dash
Comment 1
2011-11-11 05:18:03 PST
attachment 114681
Fixing the Navigation through DatabaseTableTreeElement by up/down arrow key press This patch addresses proper navigation through DatabaseTableTreeElement(WebKitStickyNotes). While populating table names we remove the children of DatabaseTreeElement(NoteTest) and bind a callback to create the children again. This removing and creating of children should be done at one place.
Vsevolod Vlasov
Comment 2
2011-11-14 04:36:31 PST
While this patch is probably a good thing to do, it is certainly not fixing the original problem and does not seem to be even related to it. The reason for this issue is that database view query console get focus once opened (arrow keys are used to access console history).
Pavel Feldman
Comment 3
2011-11-14 04:40:15 PST
Comment on
attachment 114681
Fixing the Navigation through DatabaseTableTreeElement by up/down arrow key press r- as per Vsevolod's comment.
Rosen Dash
Comment 4
2011-11-14 04:56:23 PST
(In reply to
comment #2
> While this patch is probably a good thing to do, it is certainly not fixing the original problem and does not seem to be even related to it. > > The reason for this issue is that database view query console get focus once opened (arrow keys are used to access console history).
This is certainly related. Even if we give focus by mouse to "NoteTest" and press down arrow key, it skips "WebKitStickyNotes" and moves to "LocalStorage". Similarly while the focus is on "LocalStorage" we press up arrow key the focus doesn't move any where. To check this, keep abases -> Note Test -> WebKitStickyNotes expanded. Secondly, I thought DatabaseQueryView taking focus is a feature as function "moveBackIfOutside" is called in "wasShown" function of "DatabaseQueryView" which takes the caret to prompt. Please reply If I have said something irrelevant.
Vsevolod Vlasov
Comment 5
2011-11-14 05:22:48 PST
> This is certainly related. Even if we give focus by mouse to "NoteTest" and press down arrow key, it skips "WebKitStickyNotes" and moves to "LocalStorage". > Similarly while the focus is on "LocalStorage" we press up arrow key the focus doesn't move any where. > > To check this, keep abases -> Note Test -> WebKitStickyNotes expanded.
Ok, I can see how is that related now. But I can't see how this fix makes this any better, it is still not working for me. Looks like onpopulate is called when the node is expanded and while traversing the tree. I think this code should me moved to onexpand, since repopulating the node on down key press is not obvious way for the user to refresh table names list and the only other visible result is this issue.
> Secondly, I thought DatabaseQueryView taking focus is a feature as function "moveBackIfOutside" is called in "wasShown" function of "DatabaseQueryView" which takes the caret to prompt.
This is probably a feature but not a good one. We should remove that. Also, please don't use resourcesLastSelectedItem setting like that, the default node should only be revealed on resources panel load, while table names populating can happen later in application lifecycle.
Rosen Dash
Comment 6
2011-11-15 04:46:10 PST
attachment 115143
Focus moves to Query Prompt on tab key press While navigating though the resource panel focus goes to Query Prompt which ceases keyboard navigation. After this patch we have to press tab key to move into query prompt while that view is being shown. This provides proper keyboard navigation of ResourcePanel.
Rosen Dash
Comment 7
2011-11-15 04:50:49 PST
(In reply to
comment #5
> > This is certainly related. Even if we give focus by mouse to "NoteTest" and press down arrow key, it skips "WebKitStickyNotes" and moves to "LocalStorage". > > Similarly while the focus is on "LocalStorage" we press up arrow key the focus doesn't move any where. > > > > To check this, keep abases -> Note Test -> WebKitStickyNotes expanded. > Ok, I can see how is that related now. But I can't see how this fix makes this any better, it is still not working for me. > > Looks like onpopulate is called when the node is expanded and while traversing the tree. I think this code should me moved to onexpand, since repopulating the node on down key press is not obvious way for the user to refresh table names list and the only other visible result is this issue.
While traversing the tree the method traverseNextTreeElement has the option in third argument to choose whether we want to populate the list or not. I think the re-population is desired so that any update in children list will be reflected and ResourcePanel and view will be in sync.
> > > Secondly, I thought DatabaseQueryView taking focus is a feature as function "moveBackIfOutside" is called in "wasShown" function of "DatabaseQueryView" which takes the caret to prompt. > This is probably a feature but not a good one. We should remove that. > > Also, please don't use resourcesLastSelectedItem setting like that, the default node should only be revealed on resources panel load, while table names populating can happen later in application lifecycle.
Pavel Feldman
Comment 8
2011-12-11 09:45:46 PST
Comment on
attachment 115143
Focus moves to Query Prompt on tab key press Clearing r- as per Vsevolod's comments. Vsevolod, could you work with Rosen to get it resolved?
Vsevolod Vlasov
Comment 9
2011-12-15 10:32:19 PST
attachment 119455
Vsevolod Vlasov
Comment 10
2011-12-15 10:33:45 PST
I uploaded a new version where tables list is updated only on expand. We should not update this list while traversing the tree, because it's unexpected to the user.
Vsevolod Vlasov
Comment 11
2011-12-15 13:07:32 PST
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