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Incorrect rendering of borders on small divs when borders have radius and are different colours & widths
Incorrect rendering of borders on small divs when borders have radius and are...
Matt Harker
2011-11-08 04:13:08 PST
When a div meets the following criteria: 1. It is a small rectangle (Say 200x50) 2. It has borders of differing sizes for vertical & horizontal borders. 3. Each border direction has a different colour. 4. The borders have a radius defined on them. Then the rendering of the borders is incorrect. It appears with a strange pattern on the top & bottom which includes all four specified colours. The URL provided does contain a somewhat over-engineered example but it is to show that the issue only affects divs which meet the above criteria.
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David Barr
Comment 1
2011-11-23 19:21:03 PST
Confirmed in Google Chrome 17.0.948.0 (Official Build 111327) canary on Mac OS X (WebKit 101035).
Rüdiger Cordes
Comment 2
2013-11-14 07:00:48 PST
Seems for me to be solved at least in Safari 6.0.5 under MacOS X 7.5.4.
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 3
2022-09-30 11:58:08 PDT
Unable to reproduce in Safari 16 for the div with "issue" and it matches with Chrome Canary 108 and Firefox Nightly 107 as well.
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