It would be great, if web pages that display stack traces (such as test runners) could link into the script tab of web inspector. E.g. using <a href="inspector:http://localhost:8000//javascript/closure/testing/asserts.js:296:3">http://localhost:8000//javascript/closure/testing/asserts.js:296:3</a>
We'd like to open inspector upon corresponding menu action only. In case it has already been opened, there should be a way to implement it say using extensions. Changing the title.
Opening inspector via link puts user at phishing risk, we should not do that.
How about "In case it has already been opened, there should be a way to implement it say using extensions"?
Yeah, it should definitely only work in windows that have web inspector opened. And then either - through an extra extension - or better: Make it an option of web inspector. Of course, the links should only work, if and only if, these source files are already available to web inspector. It should not start downloading more source.