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Return null for the value of IDB key cursors
Return null for the value of IDB key cursors
David Grogan
2011-09-29 23:58:24 PDT
Return null for the value of IDB key cursors
(1.49 KB, patch)
2011-09-30 00:00 PDT
David Grogan
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David Grogan
Comment 1
2011-09-30 00:00:54 PDT
attachment 109259
David Grogan
Comment 2
2011-09-30 00:04:51 PDT
This is the webkit patch in support of
Michael and/or Hans, could you take a look?
Hans Wennborg
Comment 3
2011-10-03 04:00:35 PDT
Comment on
attachment 109259
Patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/storage/IDBCursorBackendImpl.cpp:-76 > - ASSERT(m_cursorType != IndexKeyCursor);
i'm not sure I'm following... if the cursor is an IndexKeyCursor, this shouldn't be called, because such cursors don't have a value
Michael Nordman
Comment 4
2011-10-03 09:40:11 PDT
lgtm (fwiw) You have to look at the chrome CL to fully understand this webkit patch. When a cursor is created or stepped, the value is retrieved and sent to the renderer w/o regard for the cursorType. The branch to return null for IndexKeyCursor type has to be somewhere. IDBCursorBackendImpl.cpp is a fine place for that branch.
+ dispatcher_host()->Send(new IndexedDBMsg_CallbacksSuccessIDBCursor( + response_id(), object_id, IndexedDBKey(idb_object->key()), + IndexedDBKey(idb_object->primaryKey()), + SerializedScriptValue(idb_object->value()))); Notice there is no 'type' getter on WebIDBCursor. In the current design (where chrome doesn't have much insight into these datatypes) there doesn't need to be. class WebIDBCursor { public: virtual ~WebIDBCursor() { } virtual unsigned short direction() const { WEBKIT_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } virtual WebIDBKey key() const { WEBKIT_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return WebIDBKey::createInvalid(); } virtual WebIDBKey primaryKey() const { WEBKIT_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return WebIDBKey::createInvalid(); } virtual WebSerializedScriptValue value() const { WEBKIT_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return WebSerializedScriptValue(); } virtual void update(const WebSerializedScriptValue&, WebIDBCallbacks*, WebExceptionCode&) { WEBKIT_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } virtual void continueFunction(const WebIDBKey&, WebIDBCallbacks*, WebExceptionCode&) { WEBKIT_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } virtual void deleteFunction(WebIDBCallbacks* callbacks, WebExceptionCode& ec) { WEBKIT_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } protected: WebIDBCursor() { } };
David Grogan
Comment 5
2011-10-03 13:55:39 PDT
Tony, could you review this two-line patch?
David Grogan
Comment 6
2011-10-05 14:09:26 PDT
ping tc Sorry for the flood of IDB patches lately. Let me/us know if you need a break from them.
Tony Chang
Comment 7
2011-10-05 14:12:38 PDT
Comment on
attachment 109259
Patch Can we add a layout test for this?
David Grogan
Comment 8
2011-10-06 14:58:53 PDT
(In reply to
comment #7
> (From update of
attachment 109259
) > Can we add a layout test for this?
I don't think so. DRT won't be able to exercise this code path - there's no javascript API to get the value of a key cursor. It's only called by WebIDBCursorImpl (which is called by IndexedDBCallbacks in content/browser/in_process_webkit/indexed_db_callbacks.cc)
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 9
2011-10-06 16:57:18 PDT
Comment on
attachment 109259
Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 109259 Committed
: <
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 10
2011-10-06 16:57:22 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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