[Qt][WK2] fast/text/complex-preferred-logical-widths.html failed after r93949
Summary [Qt][WK2] fast/text/complex-preferred-logical-widths.html failed after r93949
Fehér Zsolt
Reported 2011-08-29 08:30:00 PDT
This tests crashed at me, when i run pixel tests. Crash log: /home/feherzsolt/webkit/WebKitBuild/Release/bin/WebKitTestRunner: symbol lookup error: /home/feherzsolt/webkit/WebKitBuild/Release/bin/WebKitTestRunner: undefined symbol: _Z25WKStringCreateWithQStringRK7QString
Michael Brüning
Comment 1 2012-10-01 07:08:21 PDT
This seems to be fixed now and the test case also passes on the bots as far as I can see. Resolving fixed for now. Zsolt or Ossy, please reopen in case this is still a problem somewhere that I haven't seen.
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