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[Qt] REGRESSION: error in synchronous ajax call
[Qt] REGRESSION: error in synchronous ajax call
Sylvain Pointeau
2011-08-14 03:42:36 PDT
I made a custom network manager that returns a certain json content. however the received json from the javascript side is with double quote encoded like " it is then making the query ajax call to fail. I have added a reduced test case to demonstrate the issue. It was working fine with Qt 4.7, but then I migrated to MacOS X lion and I switched to Qt4.8 beta. I don't know the exact webkit version used by Qt4.8 beta.
a reduced test case to demonstrate the issue
(45.10 KB, application/zip)
2011-08-14 03:49 PDT
Sylvain Pointeau
no flags
testcase (fixed)
(37.35 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-08-15 10:29 PDT
Ademar Reis
no flags
original testcase cleaned up and using QUrl::fromLocalFile()
(34.79 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-08-17 13:55 PDT
Ademar Reis
no flags
original testcase cleaned up (mostly coding style)
(37.26 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-08-23 09:20 PDT
Ademar Reis
no flags
all above + the twitter search
(51.29 KB, application/zip)
2011-09-13 22:12 PDT
Sylvain Pointeau
no flags
Twitter search using JSONP
(48.66 KB, application/zip)
2011-09-16 07:45 PDT
Sylvain Pointeau
no flags
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Sylvain Pointeau
Comment 1
2011-08-14 03:49:04 PDT
attachment 103878
a reduced test case to demonstrate the issue a reduced test case to demonstrate the issue, using Qt4.8 beta, a custom network manager that returns a json content is the url is ending by .json
Ademar Reis
Comment 2
2011-08-15 10:29:49 PDT
attachment 103922
testcase (fixed)
Ademar Reis
Comment 3
2011-08-15 10:39:00 PDT
Using the attached testcase, I confirmed the problem exists in QtWebKit-2.2 but not in Qt-4.7 (QtWebKit-2.0). The problem also happens when using QtWebKit-2.2 with Qt-4.7, so the problem appears to be in QtWebKit and not in QNAM or other part of Qt. When testing against trunk, I get an assertion error: $ ./webkit_ajax_json_test_case root app "/home/ademar/tmp/bla/webkit_ajax_json_test_case" ASSERT: "d->recursive" in file thread/qmutex_linux.cpp, line 112 Aborted (core dumped)
Ademar Reis
Comment 4
2011-08-17 08:44:47 PDT
Just FYI, while investigating this, I found a regression in QNAMs code:
But it appears to be unrelated to this bug. Will keep investigating.
Ademar Reis
Comment 5
2011-08-17 11:45:33 PDT
(In reply to
comment #3
> When testing against trunk, I get an assertion error: > > $ ./webkit_ajax_json_test_case > root app "/home/ademar/tmp/bla/webkit_ajax_json_test_case" > ASSERT: "d->recursive" in file thread/qmutex_linux.cpp, line 112 > Aborted (core dumped)
Nevermind, this is because I was running against a QtWebKit built with Qt5. With Qt-4.8, trunk shows the same problem.
Ademar Reis
Comment 6
2011-08-17 13:54:18 PDT
The whole problem is in the QUrl creation in main.cpp. QUrls for local files have to use the static method QUrl::fromLocalFile(). For some bizarre reason, it used to work in Qt-4.7, but when combined with a recent QtWebKit, it breaks. Even worse, in Qt-4.8/QtWebKit-2.2 it has a completely unexpected behavior, which is to pass the PWD to QNAM::createRequest(). I think there are two potential improvements: 1. Improve QNAM to fail in a more expected way if the user tries to use a QUrl which is not complete or useful yet ("just a string"). 2. Improve QWebView::load() to fail if it receives an incomplete QUrl like that. Note that QUrls created this way are still valid (isValid() == true), but have no schema (schema() returns ""). BTW, if you use fromLocalFile() to create your URL, you'll be able to remove a lot of unecessary code from your example. I'll attach a clean version to this bug.
Ademar Reis
Comment 7
2011-08-17 13:55:28 PDT
attachment 104232
original testcase cleaned up and using QUrl::fromLocalFile()
Sylvain Pointeau
Comment 8
2011-08-19 09:46:03 PDT
Hi, I proposed a test case based on my application. my application simulates a "web server" by calling the CGI behind. If it runs with local files, it will not work, and that's why I worked with a fake url "
". I don't understand why it is failing in this case... please consider that I am obliged to fake the url for POST variables. would you have an alternative then?
Ademar Reis
Comment 9
2011-08-23 09:20:56 PDT
attachment 104856
original testcase cleaned up (mostly coding style)
Sylvain Pointeau
Comment 10
2011-08-24 01:25:17 PDT
after drilling down in JQuery to see what happened, I discovered that: the async = true works and returns status=200 but async = false returns status = 0. so you can reproduce the bug with having this simpler code below, you will see the status = 0 but it will work because we are just testing the readystate. JQuery will fail because it tests the status. function search() { var xmlhttp= new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.open("GET", "test_json.json",false); // false for async = false xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { alert( "readyState="+xmlhttp.readyState+" status="+xmlhttp.status); if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) { var myjson = JSON.parse( xmlhttp.responseText ); alert( myjson.message ); } } xmlhttp.send(null); return false; }
Ademar Reis
Comment 11
2011-08-26 07:39:01 PDT
Changing bug title to reflect the real issue (there's no relation with " at all, the problem is the call failure).
Ademar Reis
Comment 12
2011-08-26 08:05:20 PDT
Sylvain: the problem with your testcase is that it's not reduced enough. Instead of using a custom QNAM and a custom reply, why not query a live server to reproduce the problem? For example, trying your code with
, it works fine, as far as I could understand. We need a small testcase that shows the problem is in QtWebKit (to be tested with the QtTestBrowser or a very simple QWebView).
Sylvain Pointeau
Comment 13
2011-08-28 11:49:20 PDT
Hi, if it is working fine on a live server, it means that it is linked to the custom QNAM and custom Reply. I saw an answer on the mailing list pointing on the
bug 57228
would it be the root issue?
Sylvain Pointeau
Comment 14
2011-09-13 22:09:30 PDT
I tested the twitter URL (live server) and it doesn't work. (async = true or false) I thought it worked. would it be the cross domaine issue? the symptom are the same: ready state=4 and status=0 but no responseText
Sylvain Pointeau
Comment 15
2011-09-13 22:12:40 PDT
attachment 107287
all above + the twitter search
Ademar Reis
Comment 16
2011-09-14 07:02:20 PDT
(In reply to
comment #15
> Created an attachment (id=107287) [details] > all above + the twitter search
I'm very busy right now, but just a couple of hints: the best way to get someone to work on it is to have a really minimal test-case showing the problem. Can we reproduce it on a live server, without your custom QNAM and QNetworkReply? Can we not use the jquery.js library? Remember that the patch won't land unless we add a layout test (where we can't use any of the above). A testcase that fits a bug comment would be perfect. :-)
Sylvain Pointeau
Comment 17
2011-09-16 07:45:12 PDT
attachment 107650
Twitter search using JSONP using Jquery / JSONP to query twitter, it works.
Sylvain Pointeau
Comment 18
2011-09-16 07:51:19 PDT
I tested on a live application (apache + CGI) the ajax call with async = false is working. so the issue is from my opinion in the QNAM
Sylvain Pointeau
Comment 19
2011-10-16 15:07:27 PDT
tested on Qt 4.8 RC and it still doesn't work
Sylvain Pointeau
Comment 20
2012-12-03 06:41:37 PST
up ... I just tried 4.8.4 and it still has the issue. (...very annoying)
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Comment 21
2013-01-19 13:47:13 PST
I have just tested and this bug appears to be solved. I can reproduce it with QtWebKit 2.2 (from Qt 4.8), but not with QtWebKit 2.3.
Jocelyn Turcotte
Comment 22
2014-02-03 03:18:36 PST
=== Bulk closing of Qt bugs === If you believe that this bug report is still relevant for a non-Qt port of webkit.org, please re-open it and remove [Qt] from the summary. If you believe that this is still an important QtWebKit bug, please fill a new report at
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