RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 6423 6480
svg text-anchor attribute does not function
Summary svg text-anchor attribute does not function
Oliver Hunt
Reported 2006-01-10 18:54:00 PST
text-anchor attribute does not work in SVG on TOT. Side effect include misalligned and missing text. Can't work out exactly what's happening.
Freek Dijkstra
Comment 1 2006-01-30 05:15:55 PST
This bug is also the cause of the incorrect position of the labels at: (this information is probably redundant, but may prevent duplicate bug reports)
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 2 2006-01-30 08:30:03 PST
Agreed. The more SVGs I write, the more I want this feature. This is already a dup of at least one of two bugs: or *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 6423 ***
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