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Benchmark - Failure to give focus to anchors, not triggering event listeners
Benchmark - Failure to give focus to anchors, not triggering event listeners
John A. Bilicki III
2011-05-04 09:38:11 PDT
The benchmark tests how quickly a browser can give focus to each anchor on the color pallet, when focus is given an event listener is supposed to be triggered. Safari either does not give focus to the anchor elements inside the color pallet or if it does it is not triggering the event listeners attached to the anchors. The benchmark can be emulated by going directly to the editor, switching to the advanced options, enabling the keypress event and holding down the tab key. If the site options CSS3 option is enabled the transitions will slow this down. The benchmark itself automatically disables the CSS3 styling before running the benchmark.
Minimal testcase of the benchmark.
(23.64 KB, application/xhtml+xml)
2011-05-04 13:35 PDT
John A. Bilicki III
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John A. Bilicki III
Comment 1
2011-05-04 09:51:14 PDT
Script source available here...
John A. Bilicki III
Comment 2
2011-05-04 10:35:21 PDT
I have implemented an HTTP limit query to manually set how many color pallets to execute. Note that at this moment in time that it is a DIRECT link. I will try to implement a limited benchmark button on the benchmark prompt in the near future.
John A. Bilicki III
Comment 3
2011-05-04 13:35:13 PDT
attachment 92309
Minimal testcase of the benchmark. Minimal testcase benchmark results... PASSING BROWSERS Firefox 3.6 ran this in 17.4 seconds Opera 11.1 ran this in 2.3 seconds FAILING BROWSERS Firefox 4 Safari 5 Chrome 11
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