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[Qt] Fenix crashes always when opening certain HTML mails [Finnair campaign newsletter for example] (
[Qt] Fenix crashes always when opening certain HTML mails [Finnair campaign n...
Leonard Lee
2011-05-04 06:28:28 PDT
Precondition: Couple of Gmail accounts created through Google plugin. Account has the mail from Finnair campaign. Steps: 1. Try to open attached Finnair campaign mail. Expected: No crash and the mail content should be shown in Viewer. Actual: After the Message Viewer comes up and partially shows the mail content, Fenix crashes with segmentation fault.
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Benjamin Poulain
Comment 1
2011-05-04 08:59:07 PDT
Could you please provide a reduction, this bug is invalid as such for this bug tracker.
Leonard Lee
Comment 2
2011-05-09 00:35:28 PDT
(In reply to
comment #1
> Could you please provide a reduction, this bug is invalid as such for this bug tracker.
Benjamin, someone is looking at it now at PMO. I will update the case here later.
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 3
2011-05-09 03:55:58 PDT
(In reply to
comment #2
> Benjamin, someone is looking at it now at PMO. I will update the case here later.
I am the one looking at the bug on PMO :-D
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 4
2011-05-09 07:41:24 PDT
Closing, this is a Qt bug, in the opengl rendering engine:
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