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After playing Shockwave 3d content, Quicktime VR files display with an offset.
After playing Shockwave 3d content, Quicktime VR files display with an offset.
Aldo Hoeben
2005-11-16 14:37:14 PST
To repro, first open this link on Apple.com showing Times Square:
Notice how it displays where it should, horizontally centered in the frame. Now open a Shockwave 3d piece in the same window.
Since OS X 10.4.3, this renders correctly as well. Finally, return to Times Square, again in the same window
Expected result: Quicktime VR content displays same as before Actual result: Quicktime VR content displays at a considderable offset. I have not been able to repro this with normal ('linear') quicktime movies, but all the Quicktime VR objects in the hardware gallery on Apple.com are broken, as are the panoramas at the World Wide Panorama project, etc. Opening the movies in another window fixes the problem.
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Joost de Valk (AlthA)
Comment 1
2006-02-13 16:10:32 PST
Reassigning to webkit-unassigned, to make sure more people see this.
Joost de Valk (AlthA)
Comment 2
2006-02-15 16:12:05 PST
Confirmed, though i get another issue in the latest nightly as well. The shockwave movie just won't disappear when i switch to another tab.
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 3
2022-06-27 15:22:13 PDT
NPAPI and Webkit Plugins are not supported any more. Can this be marked as "RESOLVED WONTFIX"? Thanks! Further, I tried to retrieve the URL from Wayback Archive and noted that it is <object> and <embed> to Shockwave plugin. I copied the referred in following JSFiddle: Link -
It does not work but just for safe keeping..
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