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[chromium] Clean up compositor layer dirty state
[chromium] Clean up compositor layer dirty state
Adrienne Walker
2011-03-30 11:33:21 PDT
Here's the state of things: there are currently a number of different ways to track dirtiness on LayerChromium (m_dirtyRect and m_contentsDirty). There's also setNeedsDisplay(FloatRect), setNeedsDisplay(), invalidateRect(FloatRect), and resetNeedsDisplay(). A bunch of layers also skip these functions and touch m_dirtyRect directly, but don't touch m_contentsDirty. On top of that, the tiler that content and image layers will own (a
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Adrienne Walker
Comment 1
2011-03-30 11:35:05 PDT
(Oops. Clicked on something that sent a half-finished bug-report.) Here's the state of things: there are currently a number of different ways to track dirtiness on LayerChromium (m_dirtyRect and m_contentsDirty). There's also setNeedsDisplay(FloatRect), setNeedsDisplay(), invalidateRect(FloatRect), and resetNeedsDisplay(). A bunch of layers also skip these functions and touch m_dirtyRect directly, but don't touch m_contentsDirty. It also looks like resetNeedsDisplay is never called (but probably should be) and invalidateRect is a no-op virtual that nothing ever overrides. On top of that, the tiler that content and image layers will own (see
bug 57113
) track their own separate dirty rect. This should get cleaned up and sorted out.
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