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texImage2D gets old contents of canvas
texImage2D gets old contents of canvas
John Bauman
2011-03-15 14:04:29 PDT
Currently we don't seem to be marking the copied image of a canvas as dirty when we're doing accelerated rendering, causing a texImage2D on the canvas to possibly get old data.
(3.08 KB, patch)
2011-03-16 15:23 PDT
John Bauman
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John Bauman
Comment 1
2011-03-15 16:13:01 PDT
Looks like we're checking paintsIntoCanvasBuffer to see if we should do paintRenderingResultsToCanvas to update the image. This is true on chromium with accelerated compositing disabled (like in this test), so the paint doesn't happen. I'm not sure what exactly paintsIntoCanvasBuffer is supposed to mean, but removing the check for it in HTMLCanvasElement::copiedImage seems to work.
Kenneth Russell
Comment 2
2011-03-15 17:11:00 PDT
Do you happen to know whether it's broken when passing a 2D-rendered Canvas to WebGL via texImage2D, when passing a WebGL-rendered Canvas to WebGL via texImage2D, or both? For the WebGL case,
will affect the behavior here, though we can fix this bug independently.
John Bauman
Comment 3
2011-03-15 17:16:51 PDT
I haven't tested reading from 2D-rendered Canvas, but I think that may be broken when the canvas is GPU-accelerated. An unaccelerated canvas should work fine.
John Bauman
Comment 4
2011-03-16 15:23:37 PDT
attachment 85986
James Robinson
Comment 5
2011-03-16 15:30:50 PDT
Comment on
attachment 85986
Patch This seems correct to me. Should we have a more direct test for this? fast/canvas/webgl/premultiplyalpha-test.html seems to test a bunch of other stuff as well.
James Robinson
Comment 6
2011-03-16 15:31:23 PDT
It looks like this will never change behavior for the Mac port since paintsIntoCanvasBuffer() always returns false on mac for WebGL content.
John Bauman
Comment 7
2011-03-16 15:37:28 PDT
Right, the test already passes on Macs. The patch might change something on Qt, but hopefully it will change it to do the right thing.
Stephen White
Comment 8
2011-03-16 16:48:09 PDT
Is it possible this fix would break (or slow down) accelerated canvas2D -> canvas2D draws? (the amazon shelf demo used to be a good test of this, but unfortunately it's not available anymore). This seems to end up here: bool GraphicsContext3DInternal::paintsIntoCanvasBuffer() const { // If the gpu compositor is on then skip the readback and software rendering path. return !m_webViewImpl->isAcceleratedCompositingActive(); }
John Bauman
Comment 9
2011-03-16 16:54:04 PDT
HTMLCanvasElement::paint still checks paintsIntoCanvasBuffer, so that won't be affected. canvas2D->canvas2D drawImages go down a different path (not using copiedImage, but instead manually doing makeRenderingResultsAvailable if the canvas isn't accelerated), so they shouldn't change.
James Robinson
Comment 10
2011-03-16 17:05:05 PDT
canvas2d->canvas2d on chromium/skia uses this:
which does the readback if needed and then does this:
which should still do the right thing
Stephen White
Comment 11
2011-03-16 17:20:45 PDT
(In reply to
comment #10
> canvas2d->canvas2d on chromium/skia uses this: >
> > which does the readback if needed and then does this: >
> > which should still do the right thing
Right, thanks. This change makes more sense to me now.
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 12
2011-03-16 20:56:28 PDT
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attachment 85986
Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 85986 Committed
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WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 13
2011-03-16 20:56:34 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 14
2011-03-16 22:55:13 PDT
The commit-queue encountered the following flaky tests while processing
attachment 85986
: fast/workers/storage/use-same-database-in-page-and-workers.html
bug 50995
) The commit-queue is continuing to process your patch.
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