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Web Inspector: display bug: displaying multiple duplicated databases although there may be only one in the backend
Web Inspector: display bug: displaying multiple duplicated databases although...
jun chen
2011-03-10 13:53:55 PST
Everytime we call web SQL API opendatabase with the same database name, there is one more database shown up in the develop tools. So after 6 times call, we have 6 duplicated database with the same name shown under the databases. And the size of 6 databases are same as 1 database. In our codes, we only get hold of one database. When we wipe off or sync the database, all the 6 databases get wipedoff or filled with same content. So I believe this is a display bug.
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Rowan Beentje
Comment 1
2011-05-17 08:24:50 PDT
This may be related to the Databases refresh bug, which is easily reproducible: 1) Go to any site which uses Databases (eg
) 2) Open the Inspector, and look at the list of Databases in the Resources section. 'testdb' is correctly displayed. 3) Refresh the page. Note that two instances of 'testdb' are now displayed. If you attempt to use the first one, errors are thrown. ("An unexpected error undefined occurred" if running commands; if trying to view a table, "An error occurred trying to read the foo table"). 4) Continue to refresh the page. Note a new instance is added each time. (Autocompletion may also bog down)
Brian Burg
Comment 2
2014-12-12 14:10:49 PST
Closing as invalid, as this bug pertains to the old inspector UI and/or its tests. Please file a new bug (
) if the bug/feature/issue is still relevant to WebKit trunk.
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