WebKit2: Redo is broken
Summary WebKit2: Redo is broken
Jeff Miller
Reported 2011-03-08 15:49:14 PST
If you undo an edit command, you cannot redo it. This is because WebEditCommandProxy::unapply() and WebEditCommandProxy::reapply() are registering the wrong edit command when an undo or redo happens. For example, when we unapply(), we should register a Redo command, not an Undo command.
Patch (1.83 KB, patch)
2011-03-08 15:53 PST, Jeff Miller
oliver: review+
Jeff Miller
Comment 1 2011-03-08 15:53:03 PST
Jeff Miller
Comment 2 2011-03-08 16:18:50 PST
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