RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 4855 5455
list-style-type can't be set to "none" in response to a :hover pseudo-class if a bullet is already visible
Summary list-style-type can't be set to "none" in response to a :hover pseudo-class i...
Bryan Fox
Reported 2005-10-21 14:33:03 PDT
In this example, each <li> is set to have no bullet displayed. When hovered over, list-style type is set to "disc" (though it could be an image or any other bullet). On "mouseout", the bullet doesn't disappear (list- style-type does not revert to "none"). Similarly, if a bullet is set to disc by default, a :hover setting of "none" won't make the bullet disappear on rollover.
Alexei Svitkine
Comment 1 2005-10-22 21:45:07 PDT
Comment 2 2006-03-09 03:13:08 PST
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 4855 ***
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