IndexedDB: Inject auto increment keys via key path on insertion
Summary IndexedDB: Inject auto increment keys via key path on insertion
Hans Wennborg
Reported 2011-02-15 06:52:48 PST
IndexedDB: Inject auto increment keys via key path on insertion
Patch (29.53 KB, patch)
2011-02-15 06:57 PST, Hans Wennborg
no flags
Patch (29.94 KB, patch)
2011-02-16 05:47 PST, Hans Wennborg
jorlow: review+
Hans Wennborg
Comment 1 2011-02-15 06:57:55 PST
Hans Wennborg
Comment 2 2011-02-15 06:58:50 PST
Please review.
Jeremy Orlow
Comment 3 2011-02-15 10:40:27 PST
Comment on attachment 82448 [details] Patch View in context: > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:40 > +v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8(IDBKey*); Instead, include V8IDBKey.h > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:56 > +namespace { do you need this? shouldn't using static and/or template be enough? > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:69 > +bool setValue(T indexOrName, v8::Handle<v8::Value>& v8Object, v8::Handle<v8::Value>& v8Value) seems like the object should come first > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:74 > + return false; // Never overwrite. More to the point, we simply shouldn't have been called if something was there...right? > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:98 > +v8::Handle<v8::Value> getNthValueOnKeyPath(v8::Handle<v8::Value>& v8Value, const Vector<IDBKeyPathElement>& keyPath, size_t n) variable names aren't great. Maybe rootValue, keyPathElements, and something else for n > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:123 > +PassRefPtr<IDBKey> createIDBKeyFromSerializedValueAndKeyPath(PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> value, const Vector<IDBKeyPathElement>& keyPath) Could you take a bit of time to see if it's possible to make the code in this file a bit more clear? I don't have any specific ideas and it's likely you can't do much better, but this is a pretty intense chunk of code. > Source/WebCore/storage/IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl.cpp:205 > +PassRefPtr<IDBKey> IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl::selectKeyForPut(IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl* objectStore, RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue>& value, IDBKey* key, PutMode putMode, IDBCallbacks* callbacks) in/out params should be last > Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebKitClient.h:39 > +#include "WebSerializedScriptValue.h" remove the forward declare below > Source/WebKit/chromium/src/PlatformBridge.cpp:552 > + return webKitClient()->injectIDBKeyIntoSerializedValue(WebIDBKey(key), WebSerializedScriptValue(value), WebString(keyPath)); none of these casts should be necessary, i thought
Hans Wennborg
Comment 4 2011-02-16 05:46:36 PST
(In reply to comment #3) > > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:40 > > +v8::Handle<v8::Value> toV8(IDBKey*); > > Instead, include V8IDBKey.h Done. > > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:56 > > +namespace { > > do you need this? shouldn't using static and/or template be enough? But I'd like to give LocalContext internal linkage too, and I can't do that with static. Not that it matters much. > > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:69 > > +bool setValue(T indexOrName, v8::Handle<v8::Value>& v8Object, v8::Handle<v8::Value>& v8Value) > > seems like the object should come first Done. > > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:74 > > + return false; // Never overwrite. > > More to the point, we simply shouldn't have been called if something was there...right? Right. Asserting not reached instead. > > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:98 > > +v8::Handle<v8::Value> getNthValueOnKeyPath(v8::Handle<v8::Value>& v8Value, const Vector<IDBKeyPathElement>& keyPath, size_t n) > > variable names aren't great. Maybe rootValue, keyPathElements, and something else for n Done. > > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:123 > > +PassRefPtr<IDBKey> createIDBKeyFromSerializedValueAndKeyPath(PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> value, const Vector<IDBKeyPathElement>& keyPath) > > Could you take a bit of time to see if it's possible to make the code in this file a bit more clear? I don't have any specific ideas and it's likely you can't do much better, but this is a pretty intense chunk of code. Done. Not sure if I made it better or worse :) Extracted some code into separate functions. > > Source/WebCore/storage/IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl.cpp:205 > > +PassRefPtr<IDBKey> IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl::selectKeyForPut(IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl* objectStore, RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue>& value, IDBKey* key, PutMode putMode, IDBCallbacks* callbacks) > > in/out params should be last Done. > > Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebKitClient.h:39 > > +#include "WebSerializedScriptValue.h" > > remove the forward declare below Done. > > Source/WebKit/chromium/src/PlatformBridge.cpp:552 > > + return webKitClient()->injectIDBKeyIntoSerializedValue(WebIDBKey(key), WebSerializedScriptValue(value), WebString(keyPath)); > > none of these casts should be necessary, i thought Ah, you're right. Removing same cast from the function above, that's where I copied the pattern :)
Hans Wennborg
Comment 5 2011-02-16 05:47:03 PST
Jeremy Orlow
Comment 6 2011-02-16 09:26:27 PST
Comment on attachment 82620 [details] Patch View in context: r=me > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:71 > + if (object->Has(indexOrName)) Simply assert? > Source/WebCore/bindings/v8/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp:89 > +bool set(v8::Handle<v8::Value>& object, const IDBKeyPathElement& keyPathElement, const v8::Handle<v8::Value>& v8Value) make the param names and ordering consistent between these two?
Hans Wennborg
Comment 7 2011-02-16 10:13:27 PST
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