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Implement the OES_vertex_array_object WebGL extension
Implement the OES_vertex_array_object WebGL extension
Ben Vanik
2011-02-07 14:11:11 PST
Initial extension spec work/conformance test/etc coming in patches via Khronos bug 428:
Once settled I will upload a patch containing an implementation of the extension for WebKit/OSX.
Implementation of OES_vertex_array_object for WebKit/OSX
(83.53 KB, patch)
2011-02-07 19:05 PST
Ben Vanik
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Implementation of OES_vertex_array_object for WebKit/OSX (reupload)
(84.00 KB, patch)
2011-02-07 19:14 PST
Ben Vanik
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Implementation of OES_vertex_array_object for WebKit/OSX (reupload)
(83.58 KB, patch)
2011-02-07 19:38 PST
Ben Vanik
: review-
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Revised implementation of OES_vertex_array_object
(87.96 KB, patch)
2011-02-17 13:11 PST
Ben Vanik
: review+
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Ben Vanik
Comment 1
2011-02-07 19:05:50 PST
attachment 81566
Implementation of OES_vertex_array_object for WebKit/OSX From the ChangeLog: Initial implementation of the OES_vertex_array_object extension adding the OESVertexArrayObject extension container and WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES VAO object. The extension is plumbed through the Extensions3D interface and implemented in the Extensions3DOpenGL (WebKit/OSX) version when it is available. Two big changes touching code outside of the extension: * Moved the typedefs at the top of GraphicsContext3D.h to GraphicsTypes3D.h (modeled after GraphicsTypes.h). They are not namespaced as they weren't before. * To make the code cleaner/clearer all vertex attribute state has been moved to the WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES type (class VertexAttribState) except for values which are still on the WebGLRenderingContext. A default VAO is now used to store the existing attribute states for when no other VAO is used. Code in WebGLRenderingContext dealing with buffers and vertex attributes now defers to or stores values in the bound array object. Tested against the WebGL conformance suite and the new oes-vertex-array-object test.
Ben Vanik
Comment 2
2011-02-07 19:14:16 PST
attachment 81568
Implementation of OES_vertex_array_object for WebKit/OSX (reupload) Broke the first patch file, trying again
Ben Vanik
Comment 3
2011-02-07 19:38:19 PST
attachment 81569
Implementation of OES_vertex_array_object for WebKit/OSX (reupload) One last try of this upload before I ask for help...
Kenneth Russell
Comment 4
2011-02-08 14:24:27 PST
Comment on
attachment 81569
Implementation of OES_vertex_array_object for WebKit/OSX (reupload) View in context:
Great work. The patch looks almost perfect. r- for a few relatively minor issues. It's generally difficult to land a patch via the commit queue that modifies project.pbxproj because there's a lot of churn in that file. Ping me when you're ready to upload a new patch and we can try to get it landed quickly.
> Source/WebCore/html/canvas/OESVertexArrayObject.cpp:14 > + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY
There are slight differences among the copyright notices in the new files. Could you please normalize them all to what's in Source/WebKit/LICENSE?
> Source/WebCore/html/canvas/OESVertexArrayObject.cpp:65 > + return o;
Prefer "return o.release();".
> Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContext.cpp:1381 > + if (loc >= 0 && loc < (int)m_maxVertexAttribs) {
Use static_cast<int>(...).
> Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES.h:41 > + static PassRefPtr<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES> create(WebGLRenderingContext*, bool);
Recently there's been a lot of discussion on webkit-dev about preferring descriptive enums instead of bools. Please define an enum (perhaps something like "NormalVAO", "DefaultVAO"?) and pass it instead of the bool. You could give it a default value so most of the call sites don't have to supply it.
> Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES.h:44 > + class VertexAttribState {
Make this a struct instead of a class, since everything's public. Everything else (in particular the constructor) can remain.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/Extensions3D.h:116 > + virtual Platform3DObject createVertexArrayOES() = 0; > + virtual void deleteVertexArrayOES(Platform3DObject) = 0; > + virtual GC3Dboolean isVertexArrayOES(Platform3DObject) = 0; > + virtual void bindVertexArrayOES(Platform3DObject) = 0;
You'll need to stub these out in Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/qt/Extensions3DQt.{cpp,h}. I'm not sure why the Qt EWS bot compiled this patch successfully -- maybe they're not currently compiling WebGL.
> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/GraphicsTypes3D.h:26 > +#ifndef GraphicsTypes3D_h
This header needs to be added to a couple more of the build systems, in particular Source/WebCore/WebCore.pro and Source/WebCore/WebCore.gypi. Even though compilation didn't fail, the dependencies might not be correct.
Ben Vanik
Comment 5
2011-02-17 13:11:12 PST
attachment 82854
Revised implementation of OES_vertex_array_object Changes from Ken's feedback
Kenneth Russell
Comment 6
2011-02-17 17:58:35 PST
Comment on
attachment 82854
Revised implementation of OES_vertex_array_object View in context:
Looks great. I'll help you land this by hand tomorrow morning so we can watch the bots. One tiny naming convention issue; not necessary to upload a new patch for it, but if you have time to that would be great.
> Source/WebCore/html/canvas/WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES.h:41 > + kVaoTypeDefault, > + kVaoTypeUser,
WebKit style doesn't use the "k" for these, paradoxically -- so they should just be VaoTypeDefault and VaoTypeUser.
Kenneth Russell
Comment 7
2011-02-18 10:43:20 PST
: <
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