NEW 53617
uint64_t to size_t conversion can lead to unexpected behavior in CoreIPC
Summary uint64_t to size_t conversion can lead to unexpected behavior in CoreIPC
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Reported 2011-02-02 12:17:20 PST
If a function like ArgumentDecoder::decodeBytes [1] decodes a size greater than std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), we'll end up calling buffer.resize(0) and then trying to memcpy 0 bytes into the null buffer. This is very strange behavior, and probably unexpected. It would likely be better to detect the overflow and just bail out. 1.
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 1 2011-02-02 12:17:44 PST
See bug 53615, and especially bug 53615 comment 4.
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 2 2011-02-02 12:25:12 PST
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