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[Qt] QtWebKit does not properly handle D&D of a percent-encoded URL
[Qt] QtWebKit does not properly handle D&D of a percent-encoded URL
Dawit A.
2011-01-28 11:59:17 PST
When a percent encoded URL is dragged and dropped into QtWebKit (read: QWebView), the QNetworkRequest that is generated will contain an invalid URL. That is because the URL is not properly encoded before being used to create the request. To test, open the test case attached in QtTestBrowser and drag "drag me" link to a second instance of QtTestBrowser. I believe this bug is caused by the fact that the dragged URL is passed in unencoded format (QUrl::fromEncoded), but the attempt re-encode in QtWebKit's implementation of DragData::asURL in WebCore/platform/qt/DragDataQt.cpp does not seem to do the job properly. In fact to me the call to encodeWithURLEscapeSequences with the string representation of of the URL seems totally wrong to me since the characters allowed within a URL vary based in each of its separate components (scheme, authority, path, query etc...).
Test case...
(304 bytes, text/html)
2011-01-28 12:00 PST
Dawit A.
no flags
Patch for review
(1.28 KB, patch)
2011-02-12 09:41 PST
Aparna Nandyal
: review-
Formatted Diff
Patch with comments implemented
(1.34 KB, patch)
2011-02-13 11:45 PST
Aparna Nandyal
: review+
: commit-queue-
Formatted Diff
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Dawit A.
Comment 1
2011-01-28 12:00:54 PST
attachment 80475
Test case...
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 2
2011-01-28 14:15:54 PST
Broken on trunk, good catch.
Dawit A.
Comment 3
2011-01-28 15:09:13 PST
(In reply to
comment #2
> Broken on trunk, good catch.
Thanks but I cannot take credit for this... It was reported downstream. See
Dawit A.
Comment 4
2011-01-28 15:14:28 PST
(In reply to
comment #0
> I believe this bug is caused by the fact that the dragged URL is passed in unencoded format (QUrl::fromEncoded), but the attempt re-encode in QtWebKit's implementation of DragData::asURL in WebCore/platform/qt/DragDataQt.cpp does not seem to do the job properly. In fact to me the call to encodeWithURLEscapeSequences with the string representation of of the URL seems totally wrong to me since the characters allowed within a URL vary based in each of its separate components (scheme, authority, path, query etc...).
I am not longer sure whether the cause for the bug is the call to encodeWithURLEscapeSequences. Maninly because I fail to see how it can be that different from QUrl::toPrecentEncoding... However, I can confirm that the URL sent through the QDropEvent received when one reimplements QWebPage::dropEvent is most definitely not precent encoded.
Dawit A.
Comment 5
2011-01-28 15:17:55 PST
(In reply to
comment #2
> Broken on trunk, good catch.
For the record it is also broken in QtWebKit 2.2 which is what I tested this one. I am almost certain the original bug reporter is using the version of QtWebKit that came with Qt. As such it is likely broken in QtWebKit 2.0 as well...
Aparna Nandyal
Comment 6
2011-02-12 09:41:50 PST
attachment 82235
Patch for review This bug is due to the wrong encoding done in encodeWithURLEscapeSequences() function. For example - The url passed -
- The url returned -
- The url expected -
The expected URL is obtained when using QUrl's function toEncoded(). The expected URL (in the encoded form) is infact the url that is there in the html href tag. As per this analysis there are 2 ways to solve this bug. 1. As in the patch encode the url using toEncoded() 2. Do not do any encoding. Convert the input QUrl to String and pass it back. Replace the fix line with return String(urls().first().toString());
Aparna Nandyal
Comment 7
2011-02-12 09:46:14 PST
..Continuing the analysis part (pressed commit button by mistake) The second approach is the approach taken by the gtk port for example. In this approach the string does not get encoded at this point. I took the first approach: 1. It is always better to encode at this point rather then passing the human readable url 2. The encoded url is same as the one in html.
Andreas Kling
Comment 8
2011-02-13 06:23:47 PST
Comment on
attachment 82235
Patch for review View in context:
Patch looks sensible, just one thing:
> Source/WebCore/platform/qt/DragDataQt.cpp:128 > + return String(urls.first().toEncoded().constData());
You should use the String constructor that takes a length parameter in addition to the const char*, i.e: QByteArray encodedUrl = urls.first().toEncoded(); return String(encodedUrl.constData(), encodedUrl.length());
Aparna Nandyal
Comment 9
2011-02-13 11:45:04 PST
attachment 82272
Patch with comments implemented Implemented the changes given in the review.
Andreas Kling
Comment 10
2011-02-13 11:50:00 PST
Comment on
attachment 82272
Patch with comments implemented View in context:
> Source/WebCore/ChangeLog:5 > + [Qt] QtWebKit does not properly handle D&D of a precent encoded URL...
Typo, percent.
Andreas Kling
Comment 11
2011-02-13 12:14:26 PST
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