pushState does not trigger a notify::url event
Summary pushState does not trigger a notify::url event
Ben Boeckel
Reported 2010-12-07 13:30:04 PST
Github recently updated the repository browser to use pushState instead of redirections. This works properly (forward/back) except that the browser is not notified of the URL change (if any). Using the webinspector, window.location is correct. I have tested it with uzbl and Arora and neither updated the URL in the address bar (Midori and Epiphany have issues, Midori needing a DBus session which I don't run and the distro Epiphany causing conflicts through my recompiled webkitgtk). Chromium 8.0.560.0 does change the URL in the address bar. I am running webkitgtk 1.3.6.
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