chromium: canvas-createPattern-fillRect-shadow.html is failing linux win
Summary chromium: canvas-createPattern-fillRect-shadow.html is failing linux win
Ilya Tikhonovsky
Reported 2010-11-26 07:47:21 PST -------------- Ensure correct behavior of canvas with createPattern + fillRect with shadow. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is 255 FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is 255 FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is 255 FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is around 51 FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is around 51 FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is around 51 FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is around 141 FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is around 113 FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is around 51 FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is around 29 FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is around 23 FAIL d[0] should be 255. Was 0. PASS d[1] is 0 FAIL d[2] should be 0. Was 255. PASS d[3] is around 29 -----------------
Justin Novosad
Comment 1 2011-03-25 08:12:16 PDT
Got fixed with r81489
Justin Novosad
Comment 2 2011-03-25 08:36:22 PDT
That is, webkit revision 81489:
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