Multi programming language Web: .NET/Mono as scripting engine
Summary Multi programming language Web: .NET/Mono as scripting engine
Reported 2010-11-23 19:06:46 PST
Time to future Web. Multi programming language Web. We have ready .NET and Mono platforms. Vendors should uses it as common scripting engines and contribute it. Vendors should focuses on fast bug-less renderers and do not invents own scripting engines. Why we want it. + We tired from forcing JS as exclusive Web language. We want freedom of language choose. We do not need to develop another %language% -> js translator. Each language exist for it's own tasks. Its stupid to perform massive calculations using JS instead Haskell or Erlang. Or 3d rendering using untyped js without operator overloading support instead C++. + We want modern development tools and IDE. Its better to debug in MonoDevelop or in Visual Studio instead using console or browser own debug tool. Except css/layout debug of course. + We tired from ugly js minification and minification hacks. We want CIL binary code as stuff which is sent to client side. CIL is *safe* bytecode. + Its so easy to embed CLR into renderer. CIL has build-in OOP support. Renderer just extends CRL with DOM classes. + We do not need to switch between languages. Its hard for human brain. Remember how often you write '$i' in js and 'var i' in php. Also using one language in server and in client we do need reimplement same classes many times. + .NET/Mono works on popular platforms. x86, arm, windows, linux, BSD, iOS, android(currently porting), webos( + Yes we understand, vendors competes and share market. They uses JS benchmarks, renderer benchmarks, accessibility, features, ... as advertisement of own browser. We just propose remove scripting engine speed from this list.
Comment 1 2010-11-24 15:34:48 PST
+1 Give me the power
Comment 2 2010-11-24 23:47:34 PST
It will be great!
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