[GTK] Navigation policy decision API needs to include the DOM node that the decision originated from
Summary [GTK] Navigation policy decision API needs to include the DOM node that the d...
Martin Robinson
Reported 2010-11-15 10:54:57 PST
This prevents us from generating the "originating from" string in some layout tests. It would also be very useful for embedders. It should not be very hard now that we have a DOM API. This can be observed by looking at the output of fast/forms/mailto/formenctype-attribute-button-html.html and fast/forms/mailto/formenctype-attribute-input-html.html.
Martin Robinson
Comment 1 2010-11-15 11:00:40 PST
Martin Robinson
Comment 2 2015-05-07 17:17:57 PDT
This isn't going to happen in WebKit2.
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