Start stubbing out NPClass functions in NPObjectProxy
Summary Start stubbing out NPClass functions in NPObjectProxy
Anders Carlsson
Reported 2010-11-01 14:00:24 PDT
Start stubbing out NPClass functions in NPObjectProxy
Patch (9.99 KB, patch)
2010-11-01 14:04 PDT, Anders Carlsson
aroben: review+
Anders Carlsson
Comment 1 2010-11-01 14:04:31 PDT
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 2 2010-11-01 14:07:53 PDT
Attachment 72554 [details] did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style']" exit_code: 1 WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/NPObjectProxy.cpp:84: NPObjectProxy::NP_Allocate is incorrectly named. Don't use underscores in your identifier names. [readability/naming] [4] WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/NPObjectProxy.cpp:91: NPObjectProxy::NP_Deallocate is incorrectly named. Don't use underscores in your identifier names. [readability/naming] [4] WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/NPObjectProxy.cpp:97: NPObjectProxy::NP_HasMethod is incorrectly named. Don't use underscores in your identifier names. [readability/naming] [4] WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/NPObjectProxy.cpp:103: NPObjectProxy::NP_Invoke is incorrectly named. Don't use underscores in your identifier names. [readability/naming] [4] WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/NPObjectProxy.cpp:109: NPObjectProxy::NP_InvokeDefault is incorrectly named. Don't use underscores in your identifier names. [readability/naming] [4] WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/NPObjectProxy.cpp:115: NPObjectProxy::NP_HasProperty is incorrectly named. Don't use underscores in your identifier names. [readability/naming] [4] WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/NPObjectProxy.cpp:121: NPObjectProxy::NP_GetProperty is incorrectly named. Don't use underscores in your identifier names. [readability/naming] [4] WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/NPObjectProxy.cpp:127: NPObjectProxy::NP_SetProperty is incorrectly named. Don't use underscores in your identifier names. [readability/naming] [4] WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/NPObjectProxy.cpp:133: NPObjectProxy::NP_RemoveProperty is incorrectly named. Don't use underscores in your identifier names. [readability/naming] [4] WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/NPObjectProxy.cpp:139: NPObjectProxy::NP_Enumerate is incorrectly named. Don't use underscores in your identifier names. [readability/naming] [4] WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/NPObjectProxy.cpp:145: NPObjectProxy::NP_Construct is incorrectly named. Don't use underscores in your identifier names. [readability/naming] [4] Total errors found: 11 in 7 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Anders Carlsson
Comment 3 2010-11-01 14:12:53 PDT
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