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Title-Element has no popup on <svg>-Elements, but on <g>
Title-Element has no popup on <svg>-Elements, but on <g>
Holger Jeromin
2010-10-14 07:02:32 PDT
attachment 70736
SVG Demo for a title in svg and g element The standard
defines: "Each container element [...] in an SVG drawing can supply [...] a ‘title’ description string" where
defines an container element as "Specifically: ‘a’, ‘defs’, ‘glyph’, ‘g’, ‘marker’, ‘mask’, ‘missing-glyph’, ‘pattern’, ‘svg’, ‘switch’ and ‘symbol’." However a title element is only rendered as a popup at mouseover in <g>, but not in a <svg> Element as you can see in the attached demo.
SVG Demo for a title in svg and g element
(524 bytes, image/svg+xml)
2010-10-14 07:02 PDT
Holger Jeromin
no flags
SVG Demo for a title in root svg, svg and g element
(728 bytes, image/svg+xml)
2010-10-14 23:43 PDT
Holger Jeromin
no flags
Trivial patch
(1.72 KB, patch)
2010-10-16 09:14 PDT
Rob Buis
: review+
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Andreas Kling
Comment 1
2010-10-14 07:18:33 PDT
From SVGStyledElement::title() in WebCore/svg/SVGStyledElement.cpp: // According to spec, we should not return titles when hovering over <svg> elements (those // <title> elements are the title of the document, not a tooltip) so we instantly return. if (hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag)) return String();
Holger Jeromin
Comment 2
2010-10-14 07:56:03 PDT
(In reply to
comment #1
> From SVGStyledElement::title() in WebCore/svg/SVGStyledElement.cpp: > // According to spec, we should not return titles when hovering over <svg> elements (those > // <title> elements are the title of the document, not a tooltip) so we instantly return. > if (hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag)) > return String();
I see. I have not found this spec, but the title could not be the title of the document, if they are nested. The SVG Spec only references to the "outermost svg element".
Holger Jeromin
Comment 3
2010-10-14 23:43:25 PDT
attachment 70836
SVG Demo for a title in root svg, svg and g element
Holger Jeromin
Comment 4
2010-10-14 23:46:19 PDT
(In reply to
comment #2
> (In reply to
comment #1
) > > From SVGStyledElement::title() in WebCore/svg/SVGStyledElement.cpp: > > // According to spec, we should not return titles when hovering over <svg> elements (those > > // <title> elements are the title of the document, not a tooltip) so we instantly return. > > if (hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag)) > > return String(); > > I see. > > I have not found this spec, but the title could not be the title of the document, if they are nested. The SVG Spec only references to the "outermost svg element".
Firefox 4 shows the tooltip on svg-elements, but not on the outmost svg
Uploaded a new testcase.
Rob Buis
Comment 5
2010-10-16 09:14:17 PDT
attachment 70957
Trivial patch
Rob Buis
Comment 6
2010-10-16 09:15:59 PDT
I uploaded a trivial patch to provide behaviour such as FireFox 4. I waited with the testcase implementation(which should be easy by just checking the title attribute) because for instance Opera does not give a tooltip for svg elements either. Cheers, Rob.
Andreas Kling
Comment 7
2010-10-16 09:20:36 PDT
Comment on
attachment 70957
Trivial patch View in context:
> WebCore/svg/SVGStyledElement.cpp:72 > + SVGSVGElement* svg = static_cast<SVGSVGElement*>(const_cast<SVGStyledElement*>(this));
Would read better like this IMO: const SVGSVGElement* svg = static_cast<const SVGSVGElement*>(this);
Holger Jeromin
Comment 8
2010-10-26 01:01:33 PDT
(In reply to
comment #6
> I uploaded a trivial patch to provide behaviour such as FireFox 4. I waited with the testcase implementation(which should be easy by just checking the title attribute) because for instance
Thanks. It would be very nice, if this changes would land in the webkit source.
> Opera does not give a tooltip for svg elements either.
I filed a bug in the opera bug wizard (DSK-316141) as well as in Microsoft Connect
Perhaps it is too late for IE9 since MS marked the beta as feature complete. Holger
Nikolas Zimmermann
Comment 9
2010-10-26 12:47:45 PDT
Comment on
attachment 70957
Trivial patch Looks fine, r=me but Andreas suggestion is correct.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 10
2010-11-10 14:13:33 PST
Attachment 70957
was posted by a committer and has review+, assigning to Rob Buis for commit.
Rob Buis
Comment 11
2010-11-10 23:06:38 PST
Hi Eric, (In reply to
comment #10
Attachment 70957
was posted by a committer and has review+, assigning to Rob Buis for commit.
This was landed in
, I guess I forgot to close, doing that now :) Cheers, Rob.
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