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Need WKPage API for serializing and restoring a page's state
Need WKPage API for serializing and restoring a page's state
Brady Eidson
2010-10-07 09:05:58 PDT
Need WKPage API for serializing and restoring a page's state, including its session state, such as back/forward list data.
(32.23 KB, patch)
2010-10-07 09:31 PDT
Brady Eidson
: commit-queue-
Formatted Diff
Patch v2
(32.21 KB, patch)
2010-10-07 09:47 PDT
Brady Eidson
: commit-queue-
Formatted Diff
Patch v3 (without Logging.h/cpp additions)
(25.66 KB, patch)
2010-10-07 11:08 PDT
Brady Eidson
: review+
: commit-queue-
Formatted Diff
Patch v4 - All of Darin's feedback, plus a versioning header Sam and I discussed.
(25.83 KB, patch)
2010-10-11 14:56 PDT
Brady Eidson
: review-
: commit-queue-
Formatted Diff
Patch v5 - Darin's feedback + a cross platform version header.
(26.11 KB, patch)
2010-10-11 15:22 PDT
Brady Eidson
: review-
: commit-queue-
Formatted Diff
Patch v6 - The same, with debugging info, etc removed
(26.06 KB, patch)
2010-10-11 15:24 PDT
Brady Eidson
: review+
: commit-queue-
Formatted Diff
Windows build fix (would like a review)
(2.53 KB, patch)
2010-10-11 19:03 PDT
Brady Eidson
no flags
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proposed patch, testcase, etc.
Brady Eidson
Comment 1
2010-10-07 09:25:52 PDT
Patch coming shortly, and will refer to
for follow up work.
Brady Eidson
Comment 2
2010-10-07 09:31:36 PDT
attachment 70096
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 3
2010-10-07 09:34:05 PDT
Attachment 70096
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style']" exit_code: 1 WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] WebKit2/Platform/Logging.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:63: Use 0 instead of NULL. [readability/null] [5] WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:65: Use 0 instead of NULL. [readability/null] [5] WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:67: Tests for true/false, null/non-null, and zero/non-zero should all be done without equality comparisons. [readability/comparison_to_zero] [5] WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:67: Use 0 instead of NULL. [readability/null] [5] Total errors found: 7 in 14 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Brady Eidson
Comment 4
2010-10-07 09:47:03 PDT
attachment 70098
Patch v2 Fixed NULL -> 0 style errors, but the config.h stuff is bogus (we don't use it in WK2)
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 5
2010-10-07 09:53:23 PDT
Attachment 70098
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style']" exit_code: 1 WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] WebKit2/Platform/Logging.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] Total errors found: 3 in 14 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Brady Eidson
Comment 6
2010-10-07 11:00:51 PDT
Per Sam's in person request and review, landed Logging channel stuff separately in
Brady Eidson
Comment 7
2010-10-07 11:08:35 PDT
attachment 70121
Patch v3 (without Logging.h/cpp additions)
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 8
2010-10-07 11:12:23 PDT
Attachment 70121
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style']" exit_code: 1 WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] Total errors found: 2 in 11 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Darin Adler
Comment 9
2010-10-08 16:44:58 PDT
Comment on
attachment 70121
Patch v3 (without Logging.h/cpp additions) View in context:
> WebKit2/UIProcess/WebBackForwardList.h:93 > +// FIXME - <
> and
- > +// When we have a solution for restoring the full back/forward list > +// then causing a load of the current item, we will no longer need this.
Strange formatting here. We normally don't use "-" like this and line up multi-line comments like this.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/WebPageProxy.h:163 > + typedef bool (*WebPageProxySessionStateFilterCallback)(WKPageRef page, WKStringRef type, WKTypeRef object, void*);
No need for the argument name "page" here.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/API/C/WKPage.cpp:157 > + static RefPtr<WebString> sessionHistoryURLValueType = WebString::create("SessionHistoryURL");
This should not be a RefPtr. That will cause us to have a static destructor. Instead we just want to leak this string and store it in a WebString* or a WKStringRef global.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/API/C/WKPage.h:191 > +WK_EXPORT WKStringRef WKPageGetSessionHistoryURLValueType();
If these are supposed to be C header files, then these should say (void), not ().
> WebKit2/UIProcess/API/C/WKPage.h:193 > +typedef bool (*WKPageSessionStateFilterCallback)(WKPageRef page, WKStringRef valueType, WKTypeRef value, void*);
If this is a C header file, then the last argument needs an argument name.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/API/C/WKPage.h:194 > +WK_EXPORT WKDataRef WKPageCopySessionState(WKPageRef page, void *context, WKPageSessionStateFilterCallback urlAllowedCallback);
Not sure why you said “void *context” here and “void*” on the line above.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:40 > + RetainPtr<CFMutableDictionaryRef> dictionary(AdoptCF, CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0, 2, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
Since this dictionary always has exactly two values, I think we could just use CFDictionaryCreate on it instead of making it mutable.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:42 > + RetainPtr<CFNumberRef> currentIndex(AdoptCF, CFNumberCreate(0, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &m_current));
Since m_current is not an SInt32 or UInt32, but rather an unsigned, the right CFNumberType to use is kCFNumberIntType.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:51 > + RetainPtr<CFMutableDictionaryRef> entryDictionary(AdoptCF, CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0, 2, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
Since this dictionary always has exactly two values, I think we could just use CFDictionaryCreate on it instead of making it mutable.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:64 > + return dictionary.releaseRef();
Please use the new name leakRef rather than the old name releaseRef.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:70 > + if (!cfIndex || CFGetTypeID(cfIndex) != CFNumberGetTypeID() || CFNumberIsFloatType(cfIndex)) {
Why the CFNumberIsFloat type check? That doesn’t seem right.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:76 > + int32_t currentIndex; > + if (!CFNumberGetValue(cfIndex, kCFNumberSInt32Type, ¤tIndex)) {
It would be more elegant to use int and kCFNumberIntType or SInt32 and kCFNumberSInt32Type.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:110 > + // FIXME <
> and
- > + // The data for the above entry needs to be added to the full back/forward list. > + // When we have a solution that restores the full back/forwardlist then causes a load of the current item, > + // we will no longer need this.
Same comment-formatting thought as above.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:47 > + RetainPtr<CFMutableDictionaryRef> stateDictionary(AdoptCF, CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks)); > + CFDictionarySetValue(stateDictionary.get(), SessionHistoryKey(), sessionHistoryDictionary.get());
Since this dictionary always has exactly one value, I think we could just use CFDictionaryCreate on it instead of making it mutable.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:55 > + RefPtr<WebData> stateWebData = WebData::create(stateVector); > + return stateWebData.release();
No need for the local variable here.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:93 > + // FIXME: When we have a solution for restoring the full back/forward list then causing a load of the current item, > + // we will trigger that load here. Until then, we use the "restored current URL" which can later be removed.
Same FIXME formatting comment.
Brady Eidson
Comment 10
2010-10-11 14:56:20 PDT
attachment 70476
Patch v4 - All of Darin's feedback, plus a versioning header Sam and I discussed.
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 11
2010-10-11 15:01:03 PDT
Attachment 70476
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style']" exit_code: 1 WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] Total errors found: 2 in 11 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Brady Eidson
Comment 12
2010-10-11 15:03:56 PDT
Comment on
attachment 70476
Patch v4 - All of Darin's feedback, plus a versioning header Sam and I discussed. Whoops different version for windows coming soon
Brady Eidson
Comment 13
2010-10-11 15:22:14 PDT
attachment 70477
Patch v5 - Darin's feedback + a cross platform version header.
Brady Eidson
Comment 14
2010-10-11 15:23:53 PDT
Comment on
attachment 70477
Patch v5 - Darin's feedback + a cross platform version header. Sorry, not quite ready
Brady Eidson
Comment 15
2010-10-11 15:24:46 PDT
attachment 70478
Patch v6 - The same, with debugging info, etc removed
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 16
2010-10-11 15:25:46 PDT
Attachment 70477
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style']" exit_code: 1 WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] Total errors found: 2 in 11 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 17
2010-10-11 15:26:24 PDT
Attachment 70478
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style']" exit_code: 1 WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:26: Found header this file implements before WebCore config.h. Should be: config.h, primary header, blank line, and then alphabetically sorted. [build/include_order] [4] Total errors found: 2 in 11 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Darin Adler
Comment 18
2010-10-11 17:00:25 PDT
Comment on
attachment 70478
Patch v6 - The same, with debugging info, etc removed View in context:
> WebKit2/UIProcess/WebPageProxy.h:168 > + typedef bool (*WebPageProxySessionStateFilterCallback)(WKPageRef, WKStringRef type, WKTypeRef object, void*);
Probably should name the context argument here.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/API/C/WKPage.cpp:164 > + RefPtr<WebData> state = toImpl(pageRef)->sessionStateData(filter, context); > return toAPI(state.release().releaseRef());
No obvious need for a local variable here. Might read better as a single long line.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/API/C/WKPage.h:211 > +typedef bool (*WKPageSessionStateFilterCallback)(WKPageRef page, WKStringRef valueType, WKTypeRef value, void* context); > +WK_EXPORT WKDataRef WKPageCopySessionState(WKPageRef page, void *context, WKPageSessionStateFilterCallback urlAllowedCallback);
Inconsistent void* vs. void * on these two lines.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:46 > + const void* keys[2] = { SessionHistoryCurrentIndexKey(), SessionHistoryEntriesKey() }; > + const void* values[2] = { currentIndex.get(), entries.get() }; > + > + RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> dictionary(AdoptCF, CFDictionaryCreate(0, keys, values, 2, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
That constant 2 is repeated three times. Would be bad if these didn’t agree. No concrete idea for making it better.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebBackForwardListCF.cpp:59 > + const void* keys[2] = { SessionHistoryEntryURLKey(), SessionHistoryEntryTitleKey() }; > + const void* values[2] = { url.get(), title.get() }; > + > + RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> entryDictionary(AdoptCF, CFDictionaryCreate(0, keys, values, 2, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:51 > + const void* keys[1] = { SessionHistoryKey() }; > + const void* values[1] = { sessionHistoryDictionary.get() }; > + > + RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> stateDictionary(AdoptCF, CFDictionaryCreate(0, keys, values, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
For a single entry you don’t really need to use an array.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:56 > + Vector<unsigned char> stateVector(length + 4);
All these explicit "4" constants are slightly annoying. Maybe sizeof(UInt32)?
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:72 > + if (!webData || webData->size() < 4)
Here’s another 4.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:83 > + RetainPtr<CFDataRef> data(AdoptCF, CFDataCreate(0, webData->bytes() + 4, webData->size() - 4));
And two more 4’s.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:87 > + if (propertyListError) {
Don’t you have to CFRelease this?
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:98 > + if (CFGetTypeID(propertyList.get()) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) { > + LOG(SessionState, "SessionState property list is not a CFDictionaryRef (%i) - its CFTypeID is %i", (int)CFDictionaryGetTypeID(), (int)CFGetTypeID(propertyList.get())); > + return; > + }
I don’t think CFPropertyListCreateWithData can return a non-dictionary.
> WebKit2/WebKit2.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:653 > - BC111B0B112F5E4F00337BAB /* WebPageProxy.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = WebPageProxy.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; }; > + BC111B0B112F5E4F00337BAB /* WebPageProxy.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; fileEncoding = 4; path = WebPageProxy.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
Why this change?
Brady Eidson
Comment 19
2010-10-11 18:14:22 PDT
Fixing the windows build right now.
Brady Eidson
Comment 20
2010-10-11 19:03:27 PDT
attachment 70510
Windows build fix (would like a review)
Brady Eidson
Comment 21
2010-10-11 19:40:05 PDT
I commited
before Darin's comments came through. I'm going to follow up with a couple of his comments with his implicit review. :)
Brady Eidson
Comment 22
2010-10-11 19:43:23 PDT
was a build fix for Windows.
addresses some of Darin's second review feedback.
Brady Eidson
Comment 23
2010-10-11 19:44:27 PDT
Brian also checked in
as a Windows build fix.
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 24
2010-10-11 20:13:37 PDT
might have broken GTK Linux 64-bit Debug
Darin Adler
Comment 25
2010-10-11 20:26:28 PDT
Comment on
attachment 70510
Windows build fix (would like a review) View in context:
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:63 > + if (!CFPropertyListWriteToStream(stateDictionary.get(), writeStream.get(), kCFPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0, 0)) > + return 0;
I believe in this failure case you should call CFWriteStreamClose.
> WebKit2/UIProcess/cf/WebPageProxyCF.cpp:65 > + RetainPtr<CFDataRef> stateCFData(AdoptCF, (CFDataRef)CFWriteStreamCopyProperty(writeStream.get(), kCFStreamPropertyDataWritten));
I believe that after doing this you should call CFWriteStreamClose.
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