Looking at the NodeIterator code, it's clear that it doesn't do the right thing in the presence of exceptions. If the filter function raises an exception, the standard says that the exception should be propagated to the caller of nextNode or previousNode. But our NodeIterator implementation does not attempt to do that. Also, it calls the filter function from the "node removed" hook; it's not at all clear if it's appropriate to do so, nor what happens if the filter function raises an exception in that case.
*** Bug 16744 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 16743 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Need to make sure when fixing this that we pass both test cases from Acid3, the one in bug 16743 and the one in bug 16744.
Bug 3492 now has a patch that addresses this.
Committed revision 30089.
Mass moving XML DOM bugs to the "DOM" Component.