Add a feeder queue that polls for the commit-cluster
Summary Add a feeder queue that polls for the commit-cluster
Adam Barth
Reported 2010-09-20 17:07:34 PDT
Add a feeder queue that polls for the commit-cluster
wip (6.19 KB, patch)
2010-09-20 17:09 PDT, Adam Barth
no flags
work in progress (9.00 KB, patch)
2010-09-20 17:35 PDT, Adam Barth
no flags
Patch (26.56 KB, patch)
2010-09-20 18:30 PDT, Adam Barth
eric: review+
eric: commit-queue-
Adam Barth
Comment 1 2010-09-20 17:09:13 PDT
Adam Barth
Comment 2 2010-09-20 17:35:09 PDT
Created attachment 68165 [details] work in progress
Adam Barth
Comment 3 2010-09-20 18:30:55 PDT
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 4 2010-09-20 18:32:09 PDT
Attachment 68171 [details] did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style']" exit_code: 1 WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/bot/ deprecated form of raising exception [pep8/W602] [5] Total errors found: 1 in 6 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 5 2010-09-20 19:25:25 PDT
Comment on attachment 68171 [details] Patch View in context: In general looks great! Please address the nits above. > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/bot/ > + self.tool = tool Why not _tool? :) > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/bot/ > + self.update_work_items([ for patch in patches]) I might have put this out into a patch_ids local (I know it wasn't before). Doesn't really matter. > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/bot/ > + all_patches = sum([self.tool.bugs.fetch_bug(bug_id).commit_queued_patches(include_invalid=True) for bug_id in bug_ids], []) I might have split this out into a helper function to make this line shorter were I to write this again. (Again, I know this is my fault, just noticing as I re-read the code): [self._cq_patches_for_bug(bug_id) for bug_id in bug_ids]? donno. Again, doesn't really matter. > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/ > +class FeederQueue(AbstractQueue): I think you should add a comment above which explains why this makes sense as an AbstractQueue. It's not immediately obvious, given that it's such a strange queue. > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/ > + self.feeders = [ > + CommitQueueFeeder(self.tool), > + ] This is nice. I wonder if it should be a list of classes instead of instances. I seem to remember having the same debate with myself for Commands. > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/ > + return "synthetic-work-item" I would have added a comment here. > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/ > + return True Seems this should just be the default. Silly to make subclasses implement this. > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/ > + self._update() _update_checkout() maybe? > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/ > + for feeder in self.feeders: > + feeder.feed() > + time.sleep(self._sleep_duration) > + return True So gorgeous. :) > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/ > + def work_item_log_path(self, work_item): > + return os.path.join(self._log_directory(), "feeder.log") This is a strange case. We'll end up loggin the same thing twice. Maybe this should instead understand returning None and then not opening a work log? > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/ > + queue = FeederQueue() > + queue._sleep_duration = 0 This should probably be a FeederQueue subclass since many tests are going to want this same behavior, no? > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/ > + "next_work_item": "", Are these empty ones really required? I can't remember. > WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/ > + if isinstance(queue, StepSequenceErrorHandler): Seems we should add a comment about future refactoring here.
Adam Barth
Comment 6 2010-09-20 19:46:16 PDT
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