[Chromium] inform plugins about WebView activation changes
Summary [Chromium] inform plugins about WebView activation changes
Stuart Morgan
Reported 2010-09-17 16:56:56 PDT
Windowless plugins need to know when they are actually focused at the OS level, not just when they are are the focused node in WebKit. Currently Chromium handles this by using a side channel to communicate that information to plugins from RenderView, but the logic for that really belongs in WebKit. Ideally it seems like the solution would be for WebPluginContainer to have an updateActivation to mirror updateFocus, and for WebView to call that from setFocus if the focused node is a plugin. Then side channel would not be necessary, and the logic would work outside of Chromium (e.g., in DumpRenderTree). Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any way to figure out if the focus is on a plugin, and adding updateActivation to the entire Widget hierarchy seems like overkill. We need to find some kind of solution here though, so that windowless plugin focus can work correctly internally to WebKit, without each client having to manage extra state.
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