tooltips don't enlarge when zooming in
Summary tooltips don't enlarge when zooming in
Reported 2010-08-29 20:46:35 PDT
I'm not certain why other people zoom in, but I do it so I can read the page better so I don't need to lean in until I'm 6in away from my monitor to see anything. Well, when zooming in, the tooltips remain the same size. It would make sense if they zoomed in with everything else, otherwise they can't suite their function in combination with the purpose of zooming (increasing visibility). Perhaps they shouldn't zoom out though, because any smaller and they'd be too small, but perhaps that's a matter of preference and consistency.
James Craig
Comment 1 2013-10-23 16:30:01 PDT
Yang Ruflo
Comment 2 2021-03-10 03:39:53 PST
There is tool-tip on the top chart which shows on mouse hover using d3-tip. After doing brush or zooming the tool-tips mostly gets stuck & does not get hide. - Yang(https://www.federalwayfence.com/)
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