Keep the version of WordPress in Surfin' Safari up to date!
Summary Keep the version of WordPress in Surfin' Safari up to date!
Trevor Downs
Reported 2010-08-19 03:46:35 PDT
WordPress 3.0.1 has been out for a while now, I think the Surfin' Safari blog should be updated to it. I personally have had no issues with WP3 and have found it to be better than WP2.
Trevor Downs
Comment 1 2010-08-19 03:53:33 PDT
I didn't realize it is still at version 2.8.5! I strongly urge an update. Using the updater in the dashboard should work fine. On a side note, I recomend that the admin also install the Health Check plugin as well <>, to ensure compatibility with WordPress 3.2 and in future versions it will check for common environment and configuration errors.
Trevor Downs
Comment 2 2011-02-19 14:33:11 PST
WordPress is up to 3.0.5! Someone should really update it. ;)
Trevor Downs
Comment 3 2011-03-25 15:09:55 PDT
3.1 has been out for a while now.
Jon Davis
Comment 4 2015-12-07 08:51:15 PST
WordPress is up-to-date (4.3.1) as of the new site launch.
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