Web Inspector: [JSC] debugger tests are flaky
Summary Web Inspector: [JSC] debugger tests are flaky
Pavel Podivilov
Reported 2010-07-27 02:30:14 PDT
WebInspector.parsedScriptSource can be called before WebInspector.debuggerWasEnabled causing all scripts to be cleared in frontend. The reason is that setTimeout callbacks firing order is not guaranteed for timers with different nesting levels. In InspectorController::enableDebuggerFromFrontend InspectorFrontend::debuggerWasEnabled is called synchronously (with nesting level > 1), and ScriptDebugServer::recompileAllJSFunctionsSoon is called asynchronously (with nesting level = 1). This may lead to WebInspector.parsedScriptSource being called before WebInspector.debuggerWasEnabled.
Martin Robinson
Comment 1 2010-07-27 09:22:12 PDT
So this is only an issue on GTK+? What can we do to fix it for GTK+ or improve the test so that it runs on GTK+ as well?
Pavel Podivilov
Comment 2 2010-07-27 09:47:11 PDT
Actually it's not related to GTK. It's a JSC issue. So the test is potentially flaky on any platform, but for some reason it fails only on GTK.
Brian Burg
Comment 3 2014-12-12 14:08:16 PST
Closing as invalid, as this bug pertains to the old inspector UI and/or its tests. Please file a new bug ( if the bug/feature/issue is still relevant to WebKit trunk.
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