Inside an editable element (contenteditable="true"), after using insert html, the element scrolls to the beginning and not to the end of the new data. A simple workaround was posted at
By "using insert html" the reporter meant execCommand('inserthtml').
Could you describe more detailed reproduction steps and/or reduction and the problem (e.g. horizontal scroll bar stays, vertical horizontal bar resets, etc...) ?
Is this bug somehow related to ?
I also see this behavior (and yes, I would say that it is similar to the bug mentioned in the previous comment). To reproduce the behavior, insert a large chunk of HTML into a contentEditable element using exec('inserthtml') - the chunk must be large enough that it will extend beyond the bottom border of the window. After calling exec('inserthtml') the expected behavior would be that: 1 - The caret is at the end of the inserted block of HTML. 2 - The caret is scrolled into view. Instead, what happens is just 1. In other words, the caret is indeed at the end of the inserted block of HTML, but the caret has *not* been scrolled into view.
*** Bug 30243 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***