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text-rendering:auto should enable optimizeLegibility >= 20px
text-rendering:auto should enable optimizeLegibility >= 20px
Paul Irish
2010-06-29 11:25:43 PDT
the community is very excited about text-rendering:
However it's very plausible people will do ` body { text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; } ` Due to what dave hyatt indicated here
I would suspect that is not a wise choice from a performance perspective. The way that Firefox implements this feature is to enable optimizeLegibility for all text at and above 20px; I think that strikes a nice balance of making the text look beautiful when its large, but doesn't go overboard and sacrifice performance. The MDC has a demo page:
(170.85 KB, patch)
2011-01-20 02:34 PST
Yuzo Fujishima
: review-
Formatted Diff
Baseline performance
(19.15 KB, text/html)
2011-01-20 22:19 PST
Yuzo Fujishima
no flags
Patch 79567 performance
(19.21 KB, text/html)
2011-01-20 22:19 PST
Yuzo Fujishima
no flags
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Yuzo Fujishima
Comment 1
2011-01-20 02:34:20 PST
attachment 79567
Yuzo Fujishima
Comment 2
2011-01-20 02:38:06 PST
I'll rebaseline 400 of layout tests if the reviewer(s) like the patch.
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 3
2011-01-20 10:13:25 PST
I approve as long as it doesn't slow down normal page loading.
Yuzo Fujishima
Comment 4
2011-01-20 22:19:10 PST
attachment 79695
Baseline performance
Yuzo Fujishima
Comment 5
2011-01-20 22:19:52 PST
attachment 79697
Patch 79567 performance
Yuzo Fujishima
Comment 6
2011-01-20 22:30:56 PST
Thank you for the review. I measured the performance difference using
. Please see the attachements. (If there are better performance tests to try, please give me the pointers to them.) The performance goes down by 0.3%, but considering the standard deviation, the difference is insignificant. (In reply to
comment #3
> I approve as long as it doesn't slow down normal page loading.
I'll rebaseline or modify the failing tests.
Dave Hyatt
Comment 7
2011-01-21 13:32:14 PST
I have a couple of concerns about this. (1) It will cause animations and transitions on font-size to look really bad as you cross the 20px threshold, since kerning and ligatures will pop on and off. (2) You are missing out on graphics context scaling from both SVG and from CSS transforms. This means that the font may actually be rendered at larger or smaller sizes and that the size you see in the FontDescription isn't necessarily the size that the font is going to render at. Ignoring CSS transforms does mean transform animations won't pop at least though. Have you tested these cases in Firefox builds to see what they do?
Brett Wilson (Google)
Comment 8
2011-01-21 14:04:19 PST
There are already a lot of weird text popping effects as stuff is changed. On Windows, for example, we use Skia for rendering rotated text since Windows' looks bad, which causes an change as something rotates through horizontal. I haven't found these things to be that bad, and I haven't heard a lot of complaints about it. We've had to fix a number of related bugs in this type of situation. For example, we had a bug where we were doing some custom image resampling to pre-transformed size, and the result was that the image looked really blurry. So this is a concern. However, I wonder, in this case, would the CSS transforms not applying alleviate your concern about popping? It seems most people doing animations will use transforms, meaning that if you do, the styling won't change from the original size you specify.
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 9
2011-04-26 16:26:16 PDT
Comment on
attachment 79567
Patch The comments from Dave and Brett seem to merit an r-.
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Comment 10
2013-10-01 01:45:40 PDT
I should note that optimize-legibility should also enable kerning if it is default off. I am not sure you really want that. Normally you would rather disable kerning on bigger fonts, so geometricPrecision would make more sense.
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