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Simplified the host calling convention
Simplified the host calling convention
Geoffrey Garen
2010-05-28 14:25:13 PDT
I'm posting three patches: - A behavior change patch that includes the interesting bits. - A global find-and-replace patch that makes everything compatible with the new calling convention. - A megapatch for the EWS bot to test, not for actual review.
megapatch - DO NOT REVIEW
(456.59 KB, patch)
2010-05-28 14:25 PDT
Geoffrey Garen
no flags
Formatted Diff
PART ONE: Functional code changes
(98.31 KB, patch)
2010-05-28 14:26 PDT
Geoffrey Garen
: review+
Formatted Diff
PART TWO: Global search and replace
(375.41 KB, patch)
2010-05-28 14:26 PDT
Geoffrey Garen
no flags
Formatted Diff
PART TWO: Global search and replace
(375.41 KB, patch)
2010-05-28 14:33 PDT
Geoffrey Garen
: review+
Formatted Diff
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proposed patch, testcase, etc.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 1
2010-05-28 14:25:51 PDT
attachment 57378
megapatch - DO NOT REVIEW
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 2
2010-05-28 14:26:20 PDT
attachment 57379
PART ONE: Functional code changes
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 3
2010-05-28 14:26:52 PDT
attachment 57380
PART TWO: Global search and replace
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 4
2010-05-28 14:30:32 PDT
Attachment 57380
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style', '--no-squash']" exit_code: 1 WebCore/bindings/js/JSClipboardCustom.cpp:70: Tests for true/false, null/non-null, and zero/non-zero should all be done without equality comparisons. [readability/comparison_to_zero] [5] Total errors found: 1 in 111 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 5
2010-05-28 14:33:54 PDT
attachment 57381
PART TWO: Global search and replace Fixed style bot issue.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 6
2010-05-28 14:53:20 PDT
Attachment 57381
did not build on mac: Build output:
Early Warning System Bot
Comment 7
2010-05-28 15:15:26 PDT
Attachment 57381
did not build on qt: Build output:
Sam Weinig
Comment 8
2010-05-28 15:30:05 PDT
Comment on
attachment 57379
PART ONE: Functional code changes JavaScriptCore/jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp:306 + subPtr(Imm32(16 - sizeof(void*)), stackPointerRegister); These stack alignment operations could use a comment. JavaScriptCore/jit/JITOpcodes.cpp:325 + }; These empty structs weird me out a bit.
Gavin Barraclough
Comment 9
2010-05-28 15:40:55 PDT
Comment on
attachment 57379
PART ONE: Functional code changes JavaScriptCore/interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:632 + m_registerFile.shrink(callFrame->registers() + callFrame->codeBlock()->m_numCalleeRegisters); Is this a functional change we should land in a separate patch, in case it has unexpected side-effects? JavaScriptCore/interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:710 + ASSERT(!callFrame->globalData().exception); Could be ASSERT(!callFrame->hadException()); JavaScriptCore/interpreter/Register.h:61 + Register& operator=(JSObject*); This is a world of danger. Please to be making this a static function (e.g. make people do something explicit like "Register::withFunction()"), or only write functions to the register file as JSValues. JavaScriptCore/jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp:281 + emitGetFromCallFrameHeaderPtr(RegisterFile::ScopeChain, regT1, regT0); I think you wanted to change both T1s to T0s here. JavaScriptCore/jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp:399 + emitGetFromCallFrameHeaderPtr(RegisterFile::ScopeChain, regT1, regT0); another T1 -> T0 required
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 10
2010-05-28 17:08:44 PDT
(In reply to
comment #8
> (From update of
attachment 57379
) > JavaScriptCore/jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp:306 > + subPtr(Imm32(16 - sizeof(void*)), stackPointerRegister); > These stack alignment operations could use a comment.
> JavaScriptCore/jit/JITOpcodes.cpp:325 > + }; > These empty structs weird me out a bit.
Got rid of them.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 11
2010-05-28 17:11:18 PDT
(In reply to
comment #9
> (From update of
attachment 57379
) > JavaScriptCore/interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:632 > + m_registerFile.shrink(callFrame->registers() + callFrame->codeBlock()->m_numCalleeRegisters); > Is this a functional change we should land in a separate patch, in case it has unexpected side-effects?
Maybe. I chose to include it because it helped solve some of the stack overflow layout test changes. The alternative would be to change the expected results on even more tests, which I was trying to avoid.
> JavaScriptCore/interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:710 > + ASSERT(!callFrame->globalData().exception); > Could be ASSERT(!callFrame->hadException());
> > JavaScriptCore/interpreter/Register.h:61 > + Register& operator=(JSObject*); > This is a world of danger. Please to be making this a static function (e.g. make people do something explicit like "Register::withFunction()"), or only write functions to the register file as JSValues.
> > JavaScriptCore/jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp:281 > + emitGetFromCallFrameHeaderPtr(RegisterFile::ScopeChain, regT1, regT0); > I think you wanted to change both T1s to T0s here. > > JavaScriptCore/jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp:399 > + emitGetFromCallFrameHeaderPtr(RegisterFile::ScopeChain, regT1, regT0); > another T1 -> T0 required
This API is a little weird, but it specifies that we're trying to fetch into T1, relative to T0. We want to preserve T0 for the sake of this following instruction: move(regT0, callFrameRegister); // Eagerly restore caller frame register to avoid loading from stack.
Gavin Barraclough
Comment 12
2010-05-28 17:34:55 PDT
Comment on
attachment 57379
PART ONE: Functional code changes olliej says yay too, so r+
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 13
2010-05-29 01:14:31 PDT
Everything's landed now, but I had to disabled ENABLE_JIT_OPTIMIZE_NATIVE_CALL on Windows for now, since it's mysteriously crashing on every test.
Oliver Hunt
Comment 14
2010-07-02 12:33:46 PDT
Comment on
attachment 57378
megapatch - DO NOT REVIEW Clearing the review flag as this isn't for review...
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