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Autoscroll for selection caret should be available on fullscreen view
Autoscroll for selection caret should be available on fullscreen view
Hajime Morrita
2010-05-20 03:28:17 PDT
attachment 56580
a repro Derived from
but the problem is applicable all browsers that support fullscreen view. How to reproduce: - switch to fullscreen view - open attached html - select text with mouse, dragging it to right side of the view Expected result: - The view scrolls to right What happens instead: - The view doesn't scroll
a repro
(877 bytes, text/html)
2010-05-20 03:28 PDT
Hajime Morrita
no flags
patch v0
(57.33 KB, patch)
2010-05-20 18:57 PDT
Hajime Morrita
no flags
Formatted Diff
patch v1
(56.74 KB, patch)
2010-05-24 20:02 PDT
Hajime Morrita
no flags
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rebased to make bots work
(57.05 KB, patch)
2010-05-24 22:31 PDT
Hajime Morrita
no flags
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fixed style violation, chromium build error
(57.08 KB, patch)
2010-05-24 23:26 PDT
Hajime Morrita
no flags
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patch v0
(7.01 KB, patch)
2010-05-27 23:38 PDT
Hajime Morrita
no flags
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patch v6
(46.33 KB, patch)
2010-06-09 19:08 PDT
Hajime Morrita
no flags
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Hajime Morrita
Comment 1
2010-05-20 18:57:46 PDT
attachment 56659
patch v0
Kent Tamura
Comment 2
2010-05-21 02:18:59 PDT
Comment on
attachment 56659
patch v0 LayoutTests/fast/events/autoscroll-border-margin-vertical-body.html:67 + This is vertically large box... I don't like tests and results have many empty lines. How about using CSS height like <pre id="line" style="height:1000px;"> ?
Hajime Morrita
Comment 3
2010-05-24 20:02:51 PDT
attachment 56964
patch v1
Hajime Morrita
Comment 4
2010-05-24 20:04:53 PDT
Hi Kent-san, thank you for the feedback and sorry for a slow reply. I updated the patch.
> LayoutTests/fast/events/autoscroll-border-margin-vertical-body.html:67 > + This is vertically large box... > I don't like tests and results have many empty lines. > How about using CSS height like <pre id="line" style="height:1000px;"> ?
Agreed. fixed to use style instead of blank lines.
Hajime Morrita
Comment 5
2010-05-24 22:31:09 PDT
attachment 56973
rebased to make bots work
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 6
2010-05-24 22:34:06 PDT
Attachment 56973
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style', '--no-squash']" exit_code: 1 WebCore/platform/graphics/IntRect.h:156: More than one command on the same line [whitespace/newline] [4] Total errors found: 1 in 44 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 7
2010-05-24 23:23:09 PDT
Attachment 56973
did not build on chromium: Build output:
Hajime Morrita
Comment 8
2010-05-24 23:26:21 PDT
attachment 56976
fixed style violation, chromium build error
Hajime Morrita
Comment 9
2010-05-27 23:38:41 PDT
attachment 57295
patch v0
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 10
2010-05-27 23:41:20 PDT
Attachment 57295
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style', '--no-squash']" exit_code: 1 WebCore/platform/graphics/IntRect.cpp:61: Tab found; better to use spaces [whitespace/tab] [1] WebCore/platform/graphics/IntRect.cpp:63: Tab found; better to use spaces [whitespace/tab] [1] WebCore/platform/graphics/IntRect.cpp:65: Tab found; better to use spaces [whitespace/tab] [1] WebCore/platform/graphics/IntRect.cpp:67: Tab found; better to use spaces [whitespace/tab] [1] WebKit/chromium/src/WebViewImpl.cpp:1670: Tab found; better to use spaces [whitespace/tab] [1] WebKit/chromium/src/WebViewImpl.cpp:1681: Missing spaces around / [whitespace/operators] [3] WebKit/chromium/src/WebViewImpl.cpp:1690: Tab found; better to use spaces [whitespace/tab] [1] Total errors found: 7 in 7 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Hajime Morrita
Comment 11
2010-05-27 23:41:59 PDT
Comment on
attachment 57295
patch v0 Cancelling due to wrong bug id. I'sorry for disturbing you...
Hajime Morrita
Comment 12
2010-05-27 23:43:00 PDT
Comment on
attachment 56976
fixed style violation, chromium build error This patch is for review. (I had cancelled this accidentally.)
Peter Kasting
Comment 13
2010-06-03 19:40:57 PDT
Comment on
attachment 56976
fixed style violation, chromium build error
> --- a/WebCore/platform/graphics/IntRect.h > +++ b/WebCore/platform/graphics/IntRect.h > @@ -136,6 +136,29 @@ public: > m_size.setHeight(m_size.height() + dy + dy); > } > void inflate(int d) { inflateX(d); inflateY(d); } > + > + void deflateX(int dx) > + { > + m_location.setX(m_location.x() + dx); > + if (dx + dx < m_size.width()) > + m_size.setWidth(m_size.width() - (dx + dx)); > + else > + m_size.setWidth(0); > + } > + void deflateY(int dy) > + { > + m_location.setY(m_location.y() + dy); > + if (dy + dy < m_size.height()) > + m_size.setHeight(m_size.height() - (dy + dy)); > + else > + m_size.setHeight(0); > + } > + void deflate(int d) > + { > + deflateX(d); > + deflateY(d); > + }
It seems like instead of adding these, it might be better to use the existing inflate() functions, and have IntSize::set{Width,Height}() clamp the minimum size to zero. However, you'd have to make sure we don't actually rely on negative sizes anywhere. (It seems like a bug if we do.) Might want to run this idea past Darin Adler.
Tony Chang
Comment 14
2010-06-03 20:35:31 PDT
Comment on
attachment 56976
fixed style violation, chromium build error
> +++ b/LayoutTests/fast/events/autoscroll-border-margin-horizontal-body.html > + var endY = startY; > + eventSender.mouseMoveTo(endX, endY); > + } > + > + setTimeout(afterDragging, 1000);
Is it possible to avoid this timeout (maybe by using eventSender.leapFoward)? Is there an event we can get instead? Or maybe we can poll every 50ms to check for changes? Also, is it possible to merge some or all of these tests into the same .html file?
> diff --git a/WebCore/page/Settings.h b/WebCore/page/Settings.h > index dc3b50fb7ad8e423733754deb6ecf03974ef29e6..cc9f35780219435e9d3bc2a2e8252c84b8f35097 100644 > --- a/WebCore/page/Settings.h > +++ b/WebCore/page/Settings.h > @@ -311,6 +311,9 @@ namespace WebCore { > void setHTML5ParserEnabled(bool flag) { m_html5ParserEnabled = flag; } > bool html5ParserEnabled() const { return m_html5ParserEnabled; } > > + void setAutoscrollBorderMargin(unsigned value) { m_autoscrollBorderMargin = value; } > + unsigned autoscrollBorderMargin() const { return m_autoscrollBorderMargin; } > +
I don't know if this should be a setting or not. For example, the minimum drag distances (hysteresis) are hard coded in EventHandler.cpp. I bet this is a platform specific value.
> --- a/WebKitTools/DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.h > +++ b/WebKitTools/DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.h > @@ -187,6 +187,8 @@ public slots: > */ > void setScrollbarPolicy(const QString& orientation, const QString& policy); > > + void setautoscrollbordermargin(unsigned); > +
This being in lowercase is probably causing the QT bot to be red.
Hajime Morrita
Comment 15
2010-06-09 19:08:24 PDT
attachment 58322
patch v6
Hajime Morrita
Comment 16
2010-06-09 19:16:48 PDT
Kasting, Tony, thank you for your feedback, and I'm sorry for my slow response.
> > + void deflate(int d) > > + { > > + deflateX(d); > > + deflateY(d); > > + } > > It seems like instead of adding these, it might be better to use the existing inflate() functions, and
have IntSize::set{Width,Height}() clamp the minimum size to zero. Fixed to implement deflate(x) with inflate(-x).
> However, you'd have to make sure we don't actually rely on negative sizes anywhere. (It seems like a bug if we do.) Might want to run this idea past Darin Adler.
Agreed. In this case, "inflate" might be just no longer a good name. (In reply to
comment #14
> > + setTimeout(afterDragging, 1000); > > Is it possible to avoid this timeout (maybe by using eventSender.leapFoward)? Is there an event we can get instead? Or maybe we can poll every 50ms to check for changes?
> > Also, is it possible to merge some or all of these tests into the same .html file?
> > + void setAutoscrollBorderMargin(unsigned value) { m_autoscrollBorderMargin = value; } > > + unsigned autoscrollBorderMargin() const { return m_autoscrollBorderMargin; } > > + > > I don't know if this should be a setting or not. For example, the minimum drag distances (hysteresis) are hard coded in EventHandler.cpp. I bet this is a platform specific value.
Agreed. I moved it to ScreenView::m_autoscrollBorderMargin and gave it to platform specific value. (It's currently only for chromium.) I left its setter for testing purpose.
> > > > + void setautoscrollbordermargin(unsigned); > > + > > This being in lowercase is probably causing the QT bot to be red.
Oops. fixed. According to the feedback, the behavior goes stateless, instead of fullscreen-specific. Although no other browser cares this issue, I think it's worth to care it because Fullscreen-like usage will grow on more lightweight devices such as netbooks.
Tony Chang
Comment 17
2010-06-09 21:07:29 PDT
I tested this on IE and Firefox. Firefox 3.6 only autoscrolls if you are over a scrollbar. This means it's not possible to autoscroll a selection left when maximized or fullscreen because there's no autoscroll area. Another way to describe this is that hovering over a scrollbar is treated as being outside the content area, therefore it triggers autoscrolling. IE 8 also autoscrolls when you are over a scrollbar, but it also autoscrolls if you are within about 3 pixels of an edge. This happens even when not in fullscreen mode. If there's a scrollbar, this happens within about 3 pixels of the scrollbar. This also applies to iframes, but doesn't seem to apply to div's with scrollbars (see URL for test case, the div case is probably a bug). So I think there are 2 bugs: 1) We should not count scrollbars as part of the content area when computing the drag speed. It looks like WebKit currently determines the drag speed based on the mouse pointer distance outside the page. Fixing this would fix the original bug report at
2) If within 3 pixels of an edge, autoscroll like IE. I'm not 100% sure we should do this on all platforms because IE is the only application that seems to do this. Wordpad (win) and TextEdit (mac) don't do this. Maybe windows only. Anyway, it seems like this should be a separate bug. Your patch seems closer to (2), but it doesn't take into account scrollbars and seems to be too big (30 instead of only 3). Maybe we should fix (1) first?
Hajime Morrita
Comment 18
2010-06-09 23:12:16 PDT
Hi Tony, thank your for your investigation!
> Your patch seems closer to (2), but it doesn't take into account scrollbars and seems to be too big (30 instead of only 3). Maybe we should fix (1) first?
That's totally makes sense! I filed (1) as
Bug 40403
. It looks good idea to tackle 40403 first because it is apparently a bug . Anyway, I'll cancel this review due to pixel width issue you mentioned.
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