Web Inspector: Breakpoints Set Before Debugger is Enabled Don't Work
Summary Web Inspector: Breakpoints Set Before Debugger is Enabled Don't Work
Joseph Pecoraro
Reported 2010-05-16 13:49:54 PDT
Even if the user has set their preference to Always Allow Scripts Debugging, if the user sets breakpoints in the Resources Panel before opening the Scripts Panel the breakpoints are not active. This is unexpected behavior. Possible solutions are: 1. enable the debugger when the user sets the breakpoint 2. prevent breakpoints from being set when debugger is not enabled 3. warn the user the breakpoint won't work until they use the Scripts Panel I'd prefer #1 when the users' preference is "Always". And #2 if their preference is to debug per session, and they should enable the debugger.
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 1 2010-05-16 15:35:51 PDT
I agree or always do #1.
Pavel Feldman
Comment 2 2011-02-08 11:28:22 PST
We don't allow setting breakpoints from resources panel until debugging is enabled.
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