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scm.py should use self.run instead of run_command
scm.py should use self.run instead of run_command
Adam Barth
2010-05-11 17:24:11 PDT
scm.py should use self.run instead of run_command
(19.41 KB, patch)
2010-05-11 17:25 PDT
Adam Barth
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Adam Barth
Comment 1
2010-05-11 17:25:28 PDT
attachment 55784
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 2
2010-05-11 20:23:26 PDT
Comment on
attachment 55784
Patch WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/checkout/scm.py:103 + def run(self, args, cwd=None, input=None, error_handler=None, return_exit_code=False, return_stderr=True, decode_output=True): Do you just want **kwargs? Or do you want to manage the default values explicitly? WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/checkout/scm.py:105 + # FIXME: We should use Executive. Why not just use Executive() now anyway? No need to add more clients to the raw version, then we have less to import to this file anyway. :) WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/checkout/scm.py:105 + # FIXME: We should use Executive. By use Executive() i mean just create one here locally, even if it's not stored on self. yet. WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/common/checkout/scm.py:130 + print self.run(self.status_command(), error_handler=Executive.ignore_error) Since you're not using **kwargs, and instead specifying all the defaults, it's more difficult for me to tell if you've changed behavior here. r=me assuming your intent was not to change behavior. Please consider the above comments.
Adam Barth
Comment 3
2010-05-14 23:23:19 PDT
> Do you just want **kwargs? Or do you want to manage the default values explicitly?
Future patches will make run smarter to handle the args. It's possible we'll want **kwargs at some point though.
> Why not just use Executive() now anyway? No need to add more clients to the raw version, then we have less to import to this file anyway. :)
I'll do that in a future patch. I just want to take it slow.
> By use Executive() i mean just create one here locally, even if it's not stored on self. yet.
I understand.
> r=me assuming your intent was not to change behavior. Please consider the above comments.
Thanks for the comments. Sorry I'm ignoring all of them. :P
Adam Barth
Comment 4
2010-05-14 23:29:02 PDT
Comment on
attachment 55784
Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 55784 Committed
: <
Adam Barth
Comment 5
2010-05-14 23:29:09 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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